
Well-Known Member
just received an email today from BC SEEDS. i want to get other peoples opinion if these guys are for real or they would just want to sell there product.

They built a car that ran on water, but the oil companies paid "hush money" to put a stop to that, as it would stop too many profits to be earned from many Oil Tycoons.

The same thing is happening in the Marijuana World. A natural, safe plant is threatening to take billions of dollars away from pharmaceutical companies.

We are currently the world's leaders in Medical Marijuana, and have been in talks with Big-Pharma the last couple weeks.

At first, we thought they wanted to buy our breakthrough cannabinoid and THC R&D, and then partner up with us to release pharmaceutical grade medical marijuana products starting this June/July. But it appears that wasn't their intentions at all.

It was our release of Infinite Euphoria Bud that really has them scared of losing profits and shareholders.

Infinite Euphoria Bud alleviates mood disorders, such as major depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, chronic pain, and some hormone-mediated disorders such as dysmenorrhea. It can be used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance abuse by addressing underlying depression. Antidepressants have been used sometimes to treat snoring and migraines. And when you take Antidepressant pharmaceuticals for these conditions, it can take up to 2 month before their effects start to work, if at all!

Infinite Euphoria Bud can alleviate these conditions in 2 seconds. One puff and it starts to work immediate. For suicidal personalities, this could be a life saver.

And Storm Trooper Bud, it's just turning out to be 90% Crystals and 10% plant matter, a real breakthrough in potent THC.

We have not closed the Big-Parma deal yet, but our lawyers are getting very close, and it seems they want our Genetics to stop being released to the public ASAP. So as far as we can predict, we will be closing up earlier than this June. And talks next week could have us stop marketing, so this might be the last email we might be able to send. The way the talks are going, and numbers like $15 Million in hush money, the paperwork could be done sooner than later.

So we really want our latest genetic work to make it out to as many people as possible, as no other company may posses the skills to get advanced Cannabinoid research up to our current advanced development for decades, if ever.

To get your hands on a safer, cheaper natural cure for many medical conditions, that the pharmaceutical companies do not want you to be able to get, ORDER THIS SECOND BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.

i mark that shit as spam and it goes straight into thrash.


BC is so beyond full of shit its not even funny. "Yeah we have our super hydroponic bubonic elephant euphoria weed, its 93% percent thc and is guaranteed to yeild atleast 2 pounds for every 23 watt CFL you have."
Man if i could meet the dummy who owns that site i would love to punch him in the dick.

The fact that they are trying to sell 1000 dollar seeds is a fucking joke. Every single one of there numbers and statisticis are so beyond fake its not even funny. They will NEVER recieve a penny from me or anybody i know.

BC is so beyond full of shit its not even funny. "Yeah we have our super hydroponic bubonic elephant euphoria weed, its 93% percent thc and is guaranteed to yeild atleast 2 pounds for every 23 watt CFL you have."
Man if i could meet the dummy who owns that site i would love to punch him in the dick.

The fact that they are trying to sell 1000 dollar seeds is a fucking joke. Every single one of there numbers and statisticis are so beyond fake its not even funny. They will NEVER recieve a penny from me or anybody i know.

ROFL it sounds stupid but that is pretty much the kind of hype you hear from bcseeds.

The email is probably 99.9% bullshit, sounds like they're just trying to drum up some extra sales for the next couple months.
ROFL it sounds stupid but that is pretty much the kind of hype you hear from bcseeds.

The email is probably 99.9% bullshit, sounds like they're just trying to drum up some extra sales for the next couple months.
You're being generous. I'd say it's about 150% bullshit! A pharmaceutical company afraid of a new strain of cannabis? LMFAO!!!! I agree that they are afraid of medicinal cannabis in general, but no way they are afraid of one strain of it. Too funny!:fire:
That place is a port o potty....Advanced thc R & D...these guys are nuts. The one part of that email I hope IS true, is that they will be closing down in June or sooner. We need to get these charlatans out of biz.

Thought I would post an email I sent to them in mid march...still haven't received a reply. Honestly, I don't expect one.

Proof of advertising opened: 03/18/2010 from
Ticket No.: 8Y9A3S5h4b4U7a

Date: 03/18/2010
Status: Open
Department: Sale
Priority: High
Hello, I am writing to inquire whether any independent lab has tested your strains. I would like a copy of the gas chromatography print out if available. You make some distinctly wild claims about the potency of your cannabis and I am looking for independent verification of your claims. If you cannot provide this or have not had your strains tested by gas chromatography then you really should not be making such wild claims.

I look forward to your response.

CK Reply:

Department: SaleAffiliate

Priority: HighLow
just received an email today from BC SEEDS. i want to get other peoples opinion if these guys are for real or they would just want to sell there product.

They built a car that ran on water, but the oil companies paid "hush money" to put a stop to that, as it would stop too many profits to be earned from many Oil Tycoons.

The same thing is happening in the Marijuana World. A natural, safe plant is threatening to take billions of dollars away from pharmaceutical companies.

We are currently the world's leaders in Medical Marijuana, and have been in talks with Big-Pharma the last couple weeks.

At first, we thought they wanted to buy our breakthrough cannabinoid and THC R&D, and then partner up with us to release pharmaceutical grade medical marijuana products starting this June/July. But it appears that wasn't their intentions at all.

It was our release of Infinite Euphoria Bud that really has them scared of losing profits and shareholders.

Infinite Euphoria Bud alleviates mood disorders, such as major depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, chronic pain, and some hormone-mediated disorders such as dysmenorrhea. It can be used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and substance abuse by addressing underlying depression. Antidepressants have been used sometimes to treat snoring and migraines. And when you take Antidepressant pharmaceuticals for these conditions, it can take up to 2 month before their effects start to work, if at all!

Infinite Euphoria Bud can alleviate these conditions in 2 seconds. One puff and it starts to work immediate. For suicidal personalities, this could be a life saver.

And Storm Trooper Bud, it's just turning out to be 90% Crystals and 10% plant matter, a real breakthrough in potent THC.

We have not closed the Big-Parma deal yet, but our lawyers are getting very close, and it seems they want our Genetics to stop being released to the public ASAP. So as far as we can predict, we will be closing up earlier than this June. And talks next week could have us stop marketing, so this might be the last email we might be able to send. The way the talks are going, and numbers like $15 Million in hush money, the paperwork could be done sooner than later.

So we really want our latest genetic work to make it out to as many people as possible, as no other company may posses the skills to get advanced Cannabinoid research up to our current advanced development for decades, if ever.

To get your hands on a safer, cheaper natural cure for many medical conditions, that the pharmaceutical companies do not want you to be able to get, ORDER THIS SECOND BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE.


that is so full of shit i can smell the fumes through the monitor :wall:
:fire: Has anyone here ever ordered and received any products from them? Are they reputable? :weed:

Plenty have ordered, plenty have not received a thing...and there reputation is laughable...let me put it this way..YOU have a better rep then they do...

DId you guys see their weight loss bud?

"Thank goodness for research and newly discovered Cannabinoids. Instead of you toking and getting the munchies, this uplifting, racy, speed like high will have you running around being productive and burning calories, and it suppresses your appetite for those who have just quit smoking and need some help with the oral fixation. So you can lose weight and get help to quit smoking, all in one.
The best results documented to date is from a customer who lost easily he claims, 30 lbs in just 15 days. He said he smoked about 1/16 of a gram per day to attain these results.

This strain s very powerful, so very little is needed. It grows very easily and clones even better. She finishes indoors in 60 days and outdoors by the 1st to mid October. She has a fruity exotic taste, and order is minimal for such a fine bouquet while lit."
Whoa. They have 106 just indoor strains and they claim that none of their seeds are over 3 months old. So they must be running a couple hundred strains at a time. Impressive lol.
I ordered 10 regular Snowball seeds for $5/each including shipping. They arrived in decent time to midwest US. But i have no idea how they grow. The weird thing is that was the cheapest strain they had available. For an extra $64 I might have been able to get one regular Infinite Bud seed that's advertised as 48% THC. If these strains are really as good as people say they are then why not just get the necessary tests done and post the results instead of just guessing. Their cheapest strain that i bought was advertised as 28% THC.
I ordered 10 regular Snowball seeds for $5/each including shipping. They arrived in decent time to midwest US. But i have no idea how they grow. The weird thing is that was the cheapest strain they had available. For an extra $64 I might have been able to get one regular Infinite Bud seed that's advertised as 48% THC. If these strains are really as good as people say they are then why not just get the necessary tests done and post the results instead of just guessing. Their cheapest strain that i bought was advertised as 28% THC.

"People" aren't saying they are that good. bcseeds is... :evil:

The site is a scam, read through it one day and look at the bullshit claims they make about their strains. It's so far fetched it's like a bad joke.

A guy smoked 1/16 of a gram a day and lost 2lbs per day....LMAO c'mon....1/16 of a gram?!?!?! wtf is that 1/2 a 1 hitter?
Price: $195.00USD $90.00USD
Product Description
Cupid Bud - 10 Pack
Unlike our LOVE BUZZ BUD, Cupid Bud does not have the same physical traits, it's effects are more psychological, turning you into a more physically and mentally more attractive person to the person your trying to impress. It's more like a love potion, creating an attraction between two people that share this bud. Cupid Bud can most certainly help you look more attractive than your competition. Get the girl or guy you want with a little help from Cupid Bud, you'll make a huge impression by missing half Love Buzz Bud and Half Cupid Bud rolled in the same joint. We tried to breed a cross between Love Buzz and Cupid Bud, to try to get the effects of both, but it just isn't possible. Our customer's say that if you making a first impression, roll 75% Cupid and 25% Love Bud for best result in attracting the person you want and increasing your chances for some action that night. If your more concerned with just attracting and not getting any, then just roll 100% Cupid Bud, and adjust s desired on your next date. By the 4th date you should be using 25% Cupid Bud and 75% Love Bud.

Gotta get me some of this:dunce: