• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Well-Known Member
ok. pretty gay, i had this super nice and long and intellegent post all typed out, but somehow even with autosave i lost the page and now i cant get it back, nor am i going to try. im pretty much going to sum it up like this. i apologize to all, this was a post made for someone and the debate is no longer important. im sorry if someone asked a question that i did not answer or am unsure of. that was not my intention, anyone can feel free to send me a PM and asking me anything they'd like and i will be sure to answer it or at least try my very best. i have not studied ancient language and text in a little while and while i think its a very important topic, it is only my opinion and not much more. so again. I apologize, ESPECIALLY to sunni for most def. giving her a headache :( I sorry.

thank you for cleaning up my mess. we can let this silly thread die, but as i said, any questions? feel free to PM me and I will be sure to answer to my best knowledge..for now, bubbler and jerry and maybe a sandwhich :P


Well-Known Member
ok. pretty gay, i had this super nice and long and intellegent post all typed out, but somehow even with autosave i lost the page and now i cant get it back,
I have no idea how the auto-save is supposed to work. I see the little yellow thing pop-up and fade away but I never could figure out how to access the saved typing. I have lost so many posts and auto-save isn't a feature on other forums so I use Lazarus, which has rarely failed me.


Staff member
ok. pretty gay, i had this super nice and long and intellegent post all typed out, but somehow even with autosave i lost the page and now i cant get it back, nor am i going to try. im pretty much going to sum it up like this. i apologize to all, this was a post made for someone and the debate is no longer important. im sorry if someone asked a question that i did not answer or am unsure of. that was not my intention, anyone can feel free to send me a PM and asking me anything they'd like and i will be sure to answer it or at least try my very best. i have not studied ancient language and text in a little while and while i think its a very important topic, it is only my opinion and not much more. so again. I apologize, ESPECIALLY to sunni for most def. giving her a headache :( I sorry.

thank you for cleaning up my mess. we can let this silly thread die, but as i said, any questions? feel free to PM me and I will be sure to answer to my best knowledge..for now, bubbler and jerry and maybe a sandwhich :P
well thanks^_^


Well-Known Member
A little history lesson for the youngens.

The name Elohim is unique to Hebraic thinking: it occurs only in Hebrew and in no other ancient Semitic language. The masculine plural ending does not mean “gods” when referring to the true God of Israel, since the name is mainly used with singular verb forms and with adjectives and pronouns in the singular (e.g., see Gen. 1:26). However, considering the Hashalush HaKadosh (Trinity), the form indeed allows for the plurality within the Godhead.

In the traditional Jewish view, Elohim is the Name of God as the Creator and Judge of the universe (Gen 1:1-2:4a).

“The Holy One, Blessed be He, said to those, You want to know my name? I am called according to my actions. When I judge the creatures I am Elohim, and when I have mercy with My world, I am named YHVH” (Ex R. 3:6).

In the second creation story (Genesis 2:4b-ff) the Name of God is revealed as the Sacred Name YHVH (from the semitic root that means “to be”) and expresses the idea of God’s closeness to humans. YHVH “breathed into his (Adam’s) nostrils the breath of life” (Genesis 2:7).


ELOHIM is a word to DESCRIBE what he does his ACTIONS


Elohim-----the Name of God AS the Creator and Judge of the universe (Gen 1:1-2:4a).

Your history lesson is much appreciated bro. Some of us here at rollitup have strong faith in our creator and hearing words of wisdom about Him is always very welcome.

Elohim breathes and so does Yahshua His son

Believe in Jesus and turn from your sin to receive eternal life in heaven.

Just say Jesus save me in Jesus name amen and become a child of God.

Don't let the naysayers stop you, there are two spirits working within the hearts of men, the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Satan, and the children of the devil will always spread there hate, especially when we talk of Jesus and Elohim.

Brush your shoulders off and keep spreading that wisdom and Light

Love and Light, Oldgrowth


Well-Known Member
for anyone curious about all this nonsense, although a long read, it is quite wonderful for religious and non religious both, i am not a very religious person, but men didnt write ancient texts JUST to make up stories...to keep people in perpetual slavery...maybe...but make shit up...i doubt it

1 name for the father:

Why all the fighting over what we call the Father? Many are enlightened and can easily point to the four letters of the tetra grammaton: יהוה. Even though tetra grammaton is the Greek way to say 'four letters,' we easily can easily see He has a name. I already know what you're thinking: Yahweh! Right? Although we have been taught that Yahweh is the correct pronunciation of the tetra grammaton, it is a flat out lie - destroyed with minimal amount of research. What is His name?

The Jehovah's Witness have a pamphlet entitled "What Is The Name of God?" On the front of the cover, or course, you once again find the tetra grammaton: יהוה. I am somewhat baffled as to why they have a pamphlet addressing the 'name of god,' but go out of there way to let you know the 'name of god' is not god. I can assure you that His name is neither Yahweh, Just Yah, nor 'god.'

Does the name of the Father really matter? In a perfect world, we could live our lives the way we see fit and call out to Him when we need a little help. Who is He? What's His name? Why does it matter? Are you are here to learn the importance of His name, or dispute it? Why did He say, "My people know My name?" Why would He say that if it did not matter? Is His name Yahweh, Jehovah, Lord, God, Yahawah, Yahuwah, or Iaue? Why so much confusion on a subject that is really not difficult to understand: He told us His name, therefore, we need only learn how to identify it: this is where the problem begins.

1 name for the son :

From the time we began to understand the words that come out of the mouth of our parents, we are taught about the 'son of God' and his mission to save humanity. Who is God? Who was his son? Jesus Christ! Sine the letter 'J' did not exist until about 500 years ago, we are faced with quite a conundrum: what is the Savior's name? Yeshua sounds Hebraic enough..so many call Him Yeshua. With a little research, you will quickly discover that Yeshua is an Aramaic name, and did not exist before the Hebrews went into slavery via Babylon. This rules out Yeshua. Many 'teachers' believe (with no proof) that Yeshua should actually be pronounced Yahshua...because the Savior must carry a portion of the Father's name. With a Hebrew spelling of יהשוע, Yahshua is not known in any ancient language. This diarrhea concoction (Yahshua) blends the word Yah (H# 3050) with the word shun (H# 7769 - to cry out), only to produce us with blasphemy in the highest...Yahshua is a disgusting term to use, with no true etymology (I think it's obvious: I despise the Yahshua word). We are people of ignorance, because we refuse to study. So I ask you a very simple question: what is the Savior's name? If the name is not important, may I call you 'yuck mouth'? No? Why not? Because you would prefer that I respect you and call you by your name. The name is everything. So, what is the Savior's name? In less than 25 minutes...this question will be answered thoroughly.

3days and 3 nights:

When you hear the pagan terms 'resurrection Sunday' and 'Easter Sunday', what comes to mind? Sunrise service, bunnies, eggs, and ignorance that can only be described as 'blissful'...We have truly inherited lies. When you hear 'three days and thee nights', what comes to mind? As many take time to answer this one, and the voice of the crickets get louder, I would like to explain this one. There is a tremendous amount of confusion associated with 'three days and three nights', 'resurrection Sunday', and 'Easter Sunday'..they cannot all exist, and they never did. Christian pastors (pimps) teach many that their beloved Jesus Christ died late 'Friday' evening and rose eeeaarrrrlllyyyy Sunday morning (you have to watch the video to hear the eeeaarrrrlllyyyy). Since we know Christians do not study (if they did, they would not be Christians), they do not know that Jesus Christ is a homosexual deity that blasphemes the true Mashyach: Yahusha. He was not buried late Friday evening only to be resurrected Sunday: 1.5 days later. If this is true, He was a liar and we all shall burn.

Resurrection Sunday and Easter Sunday are both doctrines of demons because they refute the living word of Yahuah: Yahusha. Yahusha said that He would be in the ground for three days and three nights, just as Yunah (Jonah) was in the great fish for three days and three nights. Please, do not take my word for this, read it for yourself: MathathYahu/Matthew 12:38-41 which is supported by Yunah/Jonah 1:17. Where was the promise of Easter Sunday? Where was the promise of resurrection Sunday? They never existed.

Easter Sunday is nothing more than a fertility festival for the Queen of Heaven, who goes by many names, and resurrection Sunday is basically another way of saying the exact same thing. All pagan, and all evil. Funny, Yahusha told us to commemorate His death, never His resurrection...so what's really going on?


Well-Known Member
1 name for the father video

[video=youtube;3TTJ1B1_C90]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3TTJ1B1_C90&list=P L89ECCB5228BA0736[/video]

this is all my personal opinion, only giving what i think is truth and love, i am NOT religious, i am NOT christian so save the hate. have a good dayy all

turn on your LOVE LIGHT

Kite High

Well-Known Member
1 name for the father video

[video=youtube;3TTJ1B1_C90]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3TTJ1B1_C90&list=P L89ECCB5228BA0736[/video]

this is all my personal opinion, only giving what i think is truth and love, i am NOT religious, i am NOT christian so save the hate. have a good dayy all

turn on your LOVE LIGHT
See my sig



Well-Known Member
Being a Christian doesn't have anything to do with perceptions on religion. Being a Christian means being like Christ and following His teachings. Many people who call themselves Christians aren't very good examples of what it means to follow the Way and be like Christ, but we can't let the discrepancies allow for a total condemnation on the Christian faith. People are flawed but the Way of Christ is perfect.

If you believe in Jesus and follow his Way then you are a Christian. The word Christian just means "Like Christ"

Thank you for posting those videos, i would like to see more evidence before believing completely that those are the original names, as i am a skeptic and careful with what i choose to believe.
I found them very interesting and compelling.
I can see you have insight and intelligence and it is good to hear from you.

Love from Christ, Brennan (OG420)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Being a Christian doesn't have anything to do with perceptions on religion. Being a Christian means being like Christ and following His teachings. Many people who call themselves Christians aren't very good examples of what it means to follow the Way and be like Christ, but we can't let the discrepancies allow for a total condemnation on the Christian faith. People are flawed but the Way of Christ is perfect.

If you believe in Jesus and follow his Way then you are a Christian. The word Christian just means "Like Christ"

Thank you for posting those videos, i would like to see more evidence before believing completely that those are the original names, as i am a skeptic and careful with what i choose to believe.
I found them very interesting and compelling.
I can see you have insight and intelligence and it is good to hear from you.

Love from Christ, Brennan (OG420)
I am not a christian, I do not believe in Christos nor Iesus as they are erroneous and blasphemies...my Creator and I are One inLove


Well-Known Member
Don't let translations distract from the purpose. Whether you call Him Jesus, or you call Him Yahshua or Yahusha, it's all the same God.
Saying God's name isn't advisable, but i would think that translating God's name into english is imperitive for collective comfort in pronunciation and is not to distract from the subject matter.


Well-Known Member
But i also see the importance of tracing the etymology back to it's roots and saying the Creators name correctly.

It's important to help others come to the truth of Christ, which is why it's good to use names people are used to and comfortable with.

We love others and don't want them to end up in hell. :)


Well-Known Member
i agree with kite, i beelive anyone worshipping names made up by people to distract us from the teachings is blasphemous. god himself said. do not idoltrize others in my name. and do not make sculptures EVEN IN MY NAME (for that is idoltry) its funny how every church has huge statues on the top and in the chruch, yet god TOLD his followers DO NOT make statues to worship me, worshipping real or false IDOLS is blasphemy. BUT i also understand wht OG420 is saying, do not let stupid little things distract us from the REAL meaning behind of all of this. becasue thats what they are trying to do, distract us, make us a bicker and fight about it while not concentratingon what REALLY needs to be done....iloveyouall

kite : namaste brother. :peace: iloveyoumost :)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Don't let translations distract from the purpose. Whether you call Him Jesus, or you call Him Yahshua or Yahusha, it's all the same God.
Saying God's name isn't advisable, but i would think that translating God's name into english is imperitive for collective comfort in pronunciation and is not to distract from the subject matter.
The truth is not in you. Apologies but I can not agree as you are erroneous and false as well as Fearful of His Name.