Elliot Rodger's had Aspergers Syndrome. Should we not allow people with Aspergers to own guns?

Should people with Aspergers, a form of autism that makes people lack empathy, own guns?

  • Yes, allow them to have guns.

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • No, they lack empathy.

    Votes: 10 52.6%

  • Total voters
most scientist lean LOGICAL, thus democrat policies are self-excluding.

taking a position opposing the wacky evangelical "the earth is 6000 years old" crowd does not make them liberal, it makes them NOT CRAZY.

taking a point for point examination on real substantive policies, scientists are conservative in the main, as they recognize that "spending your way out of debt" is a non-starter, they recognize that "Hope and Change" doesnt really mean anything, and that guns do not actually have the capacity to commit a crime.

you lefties think the sun rises and sets on your political agendas, and when challenged you simply appeal to imaginary authority and start name calling.

post all the self-reporting opinion polls you like. they mean NOTHING, since any asshole can claim to be a "top scientitician with an Ivy Leegue edukashun" in a phone poll.

do you honestly believe that 2% of "scientists" actually believe that all life forms have existed in their present state since the beginnings of time???
or that 20% of americans read science magazines yet 63% believe that ALL radioactivity is man-made??

this poll is CRAP.

notice how all of this is kynes' unsupported, anecdotal opinion and he has not citation of anything.

we can safely reject this all as personal opinion with no evidence to support it.

Damn, I had to get all the way to page 19 of that pdf before finding the questions about political leaning. It's pre-obamacare fwiw.
Your other link was just the exact same one as before with no source.

I was trying to find out who was asked and who submitted answers but couldn't, can you help with that?

An interesting note, most of the questions centered around research in the field and the number one issue they face is funding. I'm pretty sure I know who was asked, because I know who funding matters to, but if you could give that info, it would help. It seems a majority of scientists who rely on funding identify as liberal. I don't blame them.
them thar UN Bureaucrats have an agenda, and sought out "scientists" who would toe the line, and lambasted every scientist who disagreed.

they skewed the data, faked the numbers, drafted deceptive reports, lied, deceived and built a boogey man out of straw to scare dimwits with their doomsday scenarios.

just like catholicism, you must accept the dogma, confess your sins, and accept the church as your temporal and spiritual authority, or be damned to a lake of brimstone and be sodomized with a pineapple for eternity. .

more unsupported, anecdotal kynes nonsense with no supporting evidence or citation.

this one comes with a series of demonstrable lies for good measure.
You people are fucked in the head.

Mental illness = No Guns, period.

"They'll try take our guns", fuck off, Ass burgers are shooting up the US, but nah, its fine.

Do you realize how many people alcohol kills worldwide? Every day?

The dude killed his first 3 vicitims with a KNIFE.
Damn, I had to get all the way to page 19 of that pdf before finding the questions about political leaning. It's pre-obamacare fwiw.
Your other link was just the exact same one as before with no source.

I was trying to find out who was asked and who submitted answers but couldn't, can you help with that?

An interesting note, most of the questions centered around research in the field and the number one issue they face is funding. I'm pretty sure I know who was asked, because I know who funding matters to, but if you could give that info, it would help. It seems a majority of scientists who rely on funding identify as liberal. I don't blame them.

you are an idiot.

now that's evidence and citation, with none of the useless ass-pulled anecdotes that are so common with kynes and ginwilly posts.
That's not what the facts say; most scientists lean left and I provided the evidence that backs it up. Can you offer anything that reaches a different conclusion other than worthless anecdotes? What sort of "scientist" are you anyway?ROFL!

I said in MY WORLD, meaning the people who work for me, the people I work with, and the people we as a group work with, are most definitely not liberals, nor are they ultra-conservatives. How in the world can say thats not true? Because you have some report? Wow......
How about convicted rapists and violent schizophrenics? Should they have guns?

I'm not sure what you mean here. Was the rape committed with a gun? If not it's irrelevant isn't it? Was the violence committed with a gun by the schizo? Should schizos just be locked up before they can harm people? Committing crimes with guns should have a bearing, otherwise I don't get what you are arguing. It's minority report stuff.

There are no easy answers to this. I want to err on the side of the constitution first, then examine things logically and analytically leaving the emotional hysteria out. I'm in the camp that our second needs to amended but I have no trust in the people who would be involved in doing so. Our forefathers did not foresee the weaponry of today. We can't foresee the weaponry of tomorrow. Who's to say a hand-held human vaporizer can't be built, or a portable "laser".

These rights shall not be infringed means just that. We need to either amend the wording, or live with the intent of the language. If the government owns nukes, we should be allowed nukes as it's presently written. And while i myself could be completed trusted with the football, my neighbor down the road, not so much.
Do you realize how many people alcohol kills worldwide? Every day?

The dude killed his first 3 vicitims with a KNIFE.

So you think that people with mental disabilities should have unhindered access to guns? How about people with trisomy 21, should they have access to guns?
Do you realize how many people alcohol kills worldwide? Every day?

The dude killed his first 3 vicitims with a KNIFE.
Yeah, and maybe his access to knives shouldve been restricted too, since obviously he was a fucking psycho.

The thought of someone like Canna Sylvan with a gun is TERRIFYING to me, and should be to you too.
I said in MY WORLD, meaning the people who work for me, the people I work with, and the people we as a group work with, are most definitely not liberals, nor are they ultra-conservatives. How in the world can say thats not true? Because you have some report? Wow......

you are clearly an ultra-conservative racist. since your own evaluation of your own political leanings is so clearly flawed, we can just disregard any of your other self reported findings.
If Canna had a gun when the police tried to help him with his crying child, things could have gotten a lot worse. I don't' want Canna hurting himself or anyone else.
These rights shall not be infringed means just that....If the government owns nukes, we should be allowed nukes as it's presently written.

you are an idiot.

Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

SCOTUS, heller decision.
you are clearly an ultra-conservative racist. since your own evaluation of your own political leanings is so clearly flawed, we can just disregard any of your other self reported findings.

LMFAO.....I hated Dubya, almost as much as I deplore your messiah. Feel better Buckfuck?
Yeah, and maybe his access to knives shouldve been restricted too, since obviously he was a fucking psycho.

The thought of someone like Canna Sylvan with a gun is TERRIFYING to me, and should be to you too.

Life is life and you can't control it. I don't live it walking around scared. It is what it is and I deal with it. There have always been crazy people and the will always be crazy people. Yes it is very tragic when things like this happen, but there is no way to rid the world of it. All you can do is hope it doesn't happen to you.

I remember a news story from a few years back. A man was driving through his quiet little neighborhood on his way to work. Just like he did every day. He stopped at a stop sign and looked both ways. Then a tree fell and crushed his car, killing him.