elizabeth warren backs reparations

You know for someone so incensed about the horrors of racism throughout the world, you come off to me as one of the most racist and ignorant people on this entire forum.

I’ve made it a point to not comment on these sections since a became a member because this is a weed growing forum. But it’s come to a point where I just had to do it.

Anytime anyone tries to counter your argument civilly with facts or god forbid their opinion on a subject if you don’t like it you come back with the same crap response you just threw at me.

I’m not American but looking from the outside in I’m starting to think that self righteous people like you are the problem when it comes to the divide in the country. If someone doesn’t believe what you believe they’re a racist nazi scum piece of shit. Spewing white victimization talking points as you put it right?

Should have quoted uncle buck before posting.
Whites stole vast wealth from the black Americans they enslaved, and they should pay it back

Refute that tapioca pudding face
Whites stole land from the native Americans and my grand parents don’t bitch and whine about it. They moved on a built a life for their family.
Wow you truly are ignorant. What tripe was your grandparents ? Which area did they dwell and land taken ?

Self explanatory...

here's the case for reparations

white americans stole generations worth of wealth from black americans who they enslaved. they should pay that back.

ok i'm done. please refute

I agree with you that people who have been victimized deserve to be restituted by the people that victimized them.

Could you describe how you'd pay for the investigations and administration and claims adjustments of this process?
I agree with you that people who have been victimized deserve to be restituted by the people that victimized them.

Could you describe how you'd pay for the investigations and administration and claims adjustments of this process?
I’m sorry, is the barter system guy asking how a straightforward program would work?

No one takes you seriously robby. You’re just a joke. Stay out of my thread you loser