Elephant Bud


Active Member
Jasper man... I have now sampled from both strains that are from BC Seeds genetics... all I can say is if your girls come out like they are supposed too... you be happy man....


Active Member
Jasper man... I have now sampled from both strains that are from BC Seeds genetics... all I can say is if your girls come out like they are supposed too... you be happy man....
Good to hear... i still have a ways to go. any new pics?

1-3 elephant
4-7 autos

Had to throw in some pics of my autos ...They are really looking nice.



Active Member
Sorry,no new photos ,,, I suck at pictures... your elephants are getting huge.... patience will be rewarded.

My friends have really enjoyed the fruits of the labors.... the Chronic finished to a very mellow smooth smoke with the molasses. It is a couch lock kind of evening smoke... the white russian is much more of a heady smoke that doesn't take much to lift your spirits and releive my pain... I adopted a new bunch of White russians and will hopefully have learned a bunch from last efforts... Flip time should be around end of month.... Biggest lesson? Bigger plants equal bigger yeilds... am not going to flip them till they are good and ready. Also going to add a second grow tent for blooming half thegirls this time.. and finally need to stay on top of temps... end of story...:weed:


Active Member
Sorry,no new photos ,,, I suck at pictures... your elephants are getting huge.... patience will be rewarded.

no prob...patience is a virtue.
i m hoping that i get enough bud off my autos to tie me down till untill the elephants done.So far im thinking that ill be pretty close. I feel u on having heat issues we have a cold snap here and my flower room has dropped to 65.I dont think it helps having my carbon can fan on but i cant not have it on.i have tried turning it down but i havent found a perfect speed yet.to low better heat but to much smell.i kno heats a must but i cant and wont let the smell get out of control.the only way you can smell my ladies is if your in the room.i turned up the heat hoping that i can find a happy meduim.Shit be minus 40 with windchill wich i dont think is helping me any( My place is poorly insulated)i will get to the bottom of my heat problem soon until then i havent seen a slow on growth.but i guees if they did slow down i wouldnt kno .....but yea some of them are getting to be big...i took clones off from the bottom 6 nodes or what ever. trying to focus everthing to the top.

captain chronizzle

Well-Known Member
.i have tried turning it down but i havent found a perfect speed yet.to low better heat but to much smell.i kno heats a must but i cant and wont let the smell get out of control.the only way you can smell my ladies is if your in the room.i turned up the heat hoping that i can find a happy meduim.Shit be minus 40 with windchill wich i dont think is helping me any( My place is poorly insulated)i will get to the bottom of my heat problem soon until then i havent seen a slow on growth.but i guees if they did slow down i wouldnt kno .....
use a dimmer switch or buy a speed control. you only need to pull a little pressure to knock the scent. just wire the dimmer in series to your fan circuit. also, try to run your lights during the coldest part of the day(lights build heat). buy a small ceramic heater that has a thermostat, on it. the fans you already have in the room will spread that heat around for you. you can get all that shit at wal-mart or lowes. your plants look healthy, keep up the good work.:joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
I'm stoked to see someone grow from bc seeds if yours turns out like they say it will and extra fast I'll order right away. Thanks for posting the journal.


New Member
Have these guys won any type of "CUP"?

their goal is not to get super famous.... but to have people who grow their stuff, tell other people who grow, and pass it on word of mouth.

Theres nothing better than pics and results, and people saying... their seeds rock.

They are happy to stay in business and do what they do, they are not out to win any cups i dont believe... they want to make money, breed awesome plants, and sell the seeds...

the end.


Active Member
The boast how bomb there chit is,put it in a cup,I'm pretty sure canada has a cup.
I only lurk these forums but I couldnt help myself.

Boast is an understatement when you look at their descriptions and website, they act as if all their strains are superior and reek of being try hards.

No offense to you Jasper but until some seasoned board members, on any forum for that matter, grow out any of these strains they should be taken with a grain of salt IMO. On other forums too there have been some grow journals posted by first timers, for this strain and others, never any seasoned board members.

If your not a company rep make some seeds and send them to some of the vetran members to grow out or something.

Anyway good luck with your grow, still interested to see how these come out :-P


Active Member
use a dimmer switch or buy a speed control. you only need to pull a little pressure to knock the scent. just wire the dimmer in series to your fan circuit. also, try to run your lights during the coldest part of the day(lights build heat). buy a small ceramic heater that has a thermostat, on it. the fans you already have in the room will spread that heat around for you. you can get all that shit at wal-mart or lowes. your plants look healthy, keep up the good work.:joint::joint::joint:
Ya i got a dimmer switch ...is more due to the cold room not properly sealed i think ... heat build up keeps leaving quick the house is old and is not really insulated well.about half of my basement is heated and the other half is not. i have it sealed off as good as i can i just got o find away to make the cold part warm and not steall the heat from the ladies...i m hoping the spray foam will work well ...my other rooms are framed and boarded just that there is no heat going into them.i think i got it all figured.


Active Member
ya i also have another freak i guess.... one girl has 2 shoots coming fom each side on the first nodes perfect forsome extra clones.


Active Member
Jasper man, keep a stiff upper lip... we have gone around in circles about bc seeds and their stock.... all I know is my 2 strains do exactly what they are supposed to and have provided some wonderful smoke.... I am transplanting new clones this morning and will start a new grtow journal... Can't wait till you get to the endzone buddy:joint:.... you deserve it:peace:


Active Member
Jasper man, keep a stiff upper lip... we have gone around in circles about bc seeds and their stock.... all I know is my 2 strains do exactly what they are supposed to and have provided some wonderful smoke.... I am transplanting new clones this morning and will start a new grtow journal... Can't wait till you get to the endzone buddy:joint:.... you deserve it:peace:
Thanks man