Elephant Bud

Mad mick or whatever.... I am a legal mmar carrying grower... so what i do is my f'n business... you on the other hand have a lot to f'n learn about diplomacy... SHORT COURSE.... Fuck off
Sorry for not being a seasond moderator or even a seasoned grower.Sorry for being a newbie and Sharing what im proud of.Please show me a link to these other grows ive yet to see one and ive looked.And I am making seeds but like fuck if im goin to give them to a guy i dont even kno so his journal will count.I dont care what you think about my seeds or even if you watch.I hope my journal helps people out there like me and that are intrested in new things.Ill be my own judge...I kno i have alot of users like you that disbelieve...But at least most people have a little of respect and just keep there opinions to them selves....Im just a guy that believes i can grow the shit i buy if not better.So i may of jumped on a over priced seed pack but get over it ive been back there way 2 more times after that....

Look like I said I have respect and dont want to be a hater, I hope your grow is genuine and the genetics live up to some of the hype but I am just cynical of how these boards are used sometimes and cant help but to call bs, simple as that.

You shouldnt reply to it all neither otherwise it turns into a constant spam cluster f*ck :wall:

I wont post in your thread again.
Mad mick or whatever.... I am a legal mmar carrying grower... so what i do is my f'n business... you on the other hand have a lot to f'n learn about diplomacy... SHORT COURSE.... Fuck off
let me first appoligise for insulting everyone on this page the way i did this was wrong and to say i hope you all grow a million plants and i hope there all female with 30% plus thc really i do but i also hope you keep it discreet not do stuipid things to risk the future of our lovely seedbanks just a bit of information for you a few months ago the DEA raided a lot of seedbanks in canada some still haven't opened there doors since legal or not this will affect everyone if the DEA has pictures and illegal statements to prove they are connected to illegal activity i will now go away and wish you all the best with your hobbys and jasper i do appoligise for insulting your nationallity canadians are ok
Mad mick or whatever.... I am a legal mmar carrying grower... so what i do is my f'n business... you on the other hand have a lot to f'n learn about diplomacy... SHORT COURSE.... Fuck off
good for you that you are legal i hope the world becomes legal you need to be smarter by saying i'm going to put my kids through college with the money i make (JIMMY130380) and putting pictures on the net you are fucking it for everyone you can communicate on the net be smart and send photos by mail if you dont want people to know where you live you can rent mail boxes for that i dont need to learn about diplomacy i never said dont grow i said GROW HEAPS BUT BE SMART
mad mike the lunatic does have a point

not to advertisE illegal activity but y
should he care that much and seed banks
arent going no where when one goes
another comes...​

but u cant tell others what to do...
people doing different things is what
makes the world go round...​

if everyone did the same things or even
similar things the world would crash and
come to an end for sure....​

Great Thread JASPER...​
[i care because i dont want the DEA to succeed in closing seedbanks and making them illegal i'm not telling people what to do i'm saying be discreet or you will fuck it /QUOTE]
any updates on the pics? how's it looking...

Yea i feel a update is in need...:bigjoint:
Heres some pics of 2 of my ladies these are the bigger ones that i had to move into a differnt room due to height issues.My mover jis just a little too low.It also explains why the pics are not the best of quality...Is nice taking pics under the light mover...Ive been busy tring to stake these girls down....Really a tediouse job.

brick20 Great Thread JASPER...


warisnottheanswer sadly i missed the sale but my friend didnt lol so ill be gettin a few beans from him! so as i start ill give u the link my dude!
Is a nice friend you have...give me a link wen shes running..

^Psychonaut^Look like I said I have respect and dont want to be a hater, I hope your grow is genuine and the genetics live up to some of the hype but I am just cynical of how these boards are used sometimes and cant help but to call bs, simple as that.

You shouldnt reply to it all neither otherwise it turns into a constant spam cluster f*ck

your right i shouldnt reply to the nonsense....is just When i read negativity i dont take it to well...Im just here trying to show everyone that wants to see it.I really have looked all over for a journal.....Maybe if i would seen a poor journal i wouldnt of bought these seeds...But i didnt find one so im finding out for myself and sharing my results...

Hopefully this update makes up for a little bit of the drama.


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Wow this is a great thread when I first heard about BCSeeds I was very sceptical about the potency of their products. It does seem very hard to believe and the price is a little out of my range so I'm very glad I can find out if these guys can live up to their hype through this thread. I cant wait to read about the outcome. I dont want to feed the flames on the rant posts prior to mine but I just want to add my 2 cents on the subject that Mad Mic was saying.
You say that we need to be discrete about what we do but I really don't believe that... the more we hide what we do and act like we have something to hide the more it seems like we are doing something wrong. I relly don't believe I am doing anything wrong by growing and I will never be ashamed or hide what I do, that only feeds the fire to keep everyone believing marijuana is bad. Anyways keep up the great work Jasper!!
Wow this is a great thread when I first heard about BCSeeds I was very sceptical about the potency of their products. It does seem very hard to believe and the price is a little out of my range so I'm very glad I can find out if these guys can live up to their hype through this thread. I cant wait to read about the outcome. I dont want to feed the flames on the rant posts prior to mine but I just want to add my 2 cents on the subject that Mad Mic was saying.
You say that we need to be discrete about what we do but I really don't believe that... the more we hide what we do and act like we have something to hide the more it seems like we are doing something wrong. I relly don't believe I am doing anything wrong by growing and I will never be ashamed or hide what I do, that only feeds the fire to keep everyone believing marijuana is bad. Anyways keep up the great work Jasper!!

Thanks bud...Now thats a proper first post...Im glad i can help enlighten wat bcseeds has to offer.
I like the way they're looking, nice dude

Thats what im saying for a first time...Im sure happy with me results so far...
Thanks ill be updating more pics when i have the time to take some decent shots

jimmy130380 Now I feel bad Mick sorry dude but a update would be nice.

Last page i updated last night...
yes you did ahhh looking good how long till they start stomping out the door(get it)

Im hoping first week of feb.Hopefully sooner.

So my xmas order came in today..They sent 37 freebies with my order of a few packs of green crack.One thing i like is freebies....i was looking at my freebies and seen they sent me Fast ak47.I emailed them and asked them whats up.within hours they told me its a unrealeased strain and they knocked a week off its flowering time.I dont kno bout you guys but they do have a way for compensating their prices i think....once again im happy
Im hoping first week of feb.Hopefully sooner.

So my xmas order came in today..They sent 37 freebies with my order of a few packs of green crack.One thing i like is freebies....i was looking at my freebies and seen they sent me Fast ak47.I emailed them and asked them whats up.within hours they told me its a unrealeased strain and they knocked a week off its flowering time.I dont kno bout you guys but they do have a way for compensating their prices i think....once again im happy
Yo in those last pics.. were those elephant? how many weeks in?
Aparently is not clone only still......If you guys read any of my posts you woulda known that ive stated before seeing seeds in the infamous clone only green crack for a while now easy 8 months.Im sure im not the only one out there either...Besides the point if they claim its the green crack and describe the taste...and even the same flowering time as the clone version...

Yea the last pics are of the elephant.... My updates have the dates and progress as i go...Its all been posted