electromagnetic propulsion


Well-Known Member
i'm watching "alien engineering" on THC. that's funny. THC. anyway they are talking about anti-gravity machines. anyone catch this or have any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
probs can be done, electromagnetic repulsion is pretty strong as it, theres a train in japan that runs on it.


New Member
Cloaking sounds interesting... and could in fact become a reality in humans. Now that we've mapped the human genome it has opened the doors to hundreds of different directions in research. It could be possible that we could have this gene placed into us somehow, either before we are born or after.

Not just that, how about wings? Extra strong legs? Sci fi in the seventies had it wrong... the next step is not robots, but biological engineering.


Well-Known Member
Cloaking sounds interesting... and could in fact become a reality in humans. Now that we've mapped the human genome it has opened the doors to hundreds of different directions in research. It could be possible that we could have this gene placed into us somehow, either before we are born or after.

Not just that, how about wings? Extra strong legs? Sci fi in the seventies had it wrong... the next step is not robots, but biological engineering.

i want a bigger...........................green thumb. :mrgreen::mrgreen:


New Member
fdd2crk is impressed by a t.v. show. WOW! Nicola Tesla was pimpin bigger and better shit than that during the late 1800's/early 1900's. this technology is fucking old.


Well-Known Member
fdd2crk is impressed by a t.v. show. WOW! Nicola Tesla was pimpin bigger and better shit than that during the late 1800's/early 1900's. this technology is fucking old.

now you chase me down in my own threads. desperate for attention my friend? jealous people like me? i can help you with that. start by being polite.


Well-Known Member
If we're going to do some genetic altering, give me sonar! Now that my ex-wife is out of the house, along with all that high pitched squealing coming from her blow hole, I could use some sonar.


Well-Known Member
it was a pretty good run. went on for about 5 hours. got into future space travel and where we are today. they have a lot of the answers, it's just a matter of harnessing the power. oh, and the world will end dec 12, 2012. that came on afterwards. i LOVE TV!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Lots of people have tried to use magnets as perpetual motion devices, but magnets degrade over time, so you have to use electro-magnets or another form to keep the magnetic properties over time, the mag-lev trains are really cool, we're a long long way off from space travel that can take us even a minuscule distance in relation to our galaxy, let alone in relation to other galaxies.