Electrolytes for your plants!


Well-Known Member
Yup, that's right.. lol

Ok, two things are going on with this. One, it's marketing. Two, it's true, but in a dumb way.

What is an electrolyte? An electrolyte is a substance containing free ions that behaves as an electrically conductive medium.

So, plant food in water is full of electrolytes.

"Because they generally consist of ions in solution, electrolytes are also known as ionic solutions, but molten electrolytes and solid electrolytes are also possible. Electrolytes is important in plants in order to keep up turgor pressor. Electrolytes and water do this by creating a hypotonic environment in plants."

So, when you hear someone bashing electrolytes you have to laugh a little cause they really don't know what they are talking about and when someone tries to sell you electrolytes you can have a little laugh too.

I had to make this thread after reading someone ask a grower if he used Silica or Electrolytes in his garden and he replied "Hell no,I like to keep it simple." That's like saying Hell no, I didn't use H2o.. I like to keep it simple..
