Active Member
he is not feeding this panel off a breaker... this is an illegal hook up... therefore unprotected from the street to his panel.. the way it is hooked up now it will work.. like the old two wire systems.. however to make it safe, and up to today's code.. He must ground the panel at the ground rod for the building. If he were to ground to the house panel, the current size of the ground wire going from the panel to the ground rod would be undersized, as there is now more power then just the house panel, which is what the ground is sized for originally..You can run a bond from main distribution panel where he is feeding this panel from, like come on this panel has to be protected somehow, does he even told us how this panel is fed or what size breaker it is protected at.
He did give all the information in the thread.. calm down have a read.. we're here to help..
Yes IF the 2nd panel was fed off the first panel then the ground would be allowed to be connected to the panel and the original panel would be enough ... but the 2nd panel is totally independent from the 1st and primary house panel... there fore the ground feeding the primary panel is sized for that panel and no more.. i.e. of you upgrade from a 100A house panel to a 200A house panel you will have to install a new, larger ground..