Electricity issues


Active Member
Hi guys, I would like to know if the electric company will still know my electric consumtion if I managed to stop my electric meter.
Thanks for answering.:-|


New Member
Ok for curiositys sake i have to ask, How do you plan to stop it? I used to have a friend who would take his out on the weekend and put it in upsidedown to make it run backwards, But the meter man caught on, he was cool and just knocked on the door and told him to stop it, real nice guy.



Well-Known Member
Now this is a question!!!! I would call the electric company and tell them it stopped working, but that would look wierd, so maybe if it just stoppped I would wait till the meter man came by.

But IDK about having a grow going at the same time.

Thats a predicament.


Well-Known Member
No they will not know your energy consumption but they will catch you. It's only a matter of time. Who knows how they will react - turn your power off, call the cops, your landlord who knows. I got caught using jumper wires one time. They just took my wires & told my landlord. My landlord was the one they showed my how to do it, he just laughed at me for getting caught.

I've heard you can put a big magnate on the box & it will slow your meter down. The best thing you could do since you are already doing something illegal is do everything else legal. Check this grow op out Pot Cave. You know how they got busted? Stealing electricity.


Well-Known Member
most growers get caught because they are stupid. If you try and steal energy or do something like that then your gonna have 5-0 on your ass. Plus, why else would you steal energy? idk about you guys but my meter gets check all the time. Some guy just lets himself into my backyard. (bad place to grow plants 2)


Active Member
It's not very difficult with the old fashion electric meter(I mean not the digital one).All you have to do is to drill a very tiny hole( less than 1mm diameter if possible) on the side of the meter, then get a thin wire(stripped an electric wire and take one wire from it) through that hole to stop the disc from turning.And you can remove the wire to let your meter go again.


Active Member
Actually if I managed to stop my meter you mean the electric company doen't have any mean to check how much electricity I'm using and then compare it to my meter reading! Is that right?
I've been doing this for 2 years now, but now I'm going to make a grow room setup that will require 8x 600w hps + pumps + ventillation system and this will make the electric consumption goes up a lot and if they have a mean to find out , I'm in deep s**t.
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Well-Known Member
Why dont you just pay the damn bill or quit growing. This is something not to screw around with. Technically speaking, that meter does not belong to you, the electric company owns it. If you start screwing with their equipment it could be considered vandalism at the least, and then it can go from there.
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Well-Known Member
This is the number 1 thing that gets GROWERS BUSTED!!!!

just pay for your electricity and get on with your bloody life...


Active Member
Paying the bill is not a problem at all for me. It's that the electric company will find it weird that my electric bill is so high(with 8x 600w hps lamps + all other equipment).If you tell me that I'll be fine by just paying the bill ok, i'll do it,but don't tell me any bullsh*t that come out of your mind(I don't want to get busted just because my electric bill is high).


Well-Known Member
4800 watts is high but not that bad....

Seriously just pay the bills on time and get on with it...

Ive got a 4000 watt grow going, plus accesories.

Actually is probally over 5k in leccy an hour.