Electricity in one room


Well-Known Member
Hello all i am currently running a 550w ac and a 600w light along with an 80w fan. Its in my regular room that i run my laptop and sometimes my television. Sometimes the fuse blows in my house especially now quite often because we have been running our acs more because of summer. My question is does anyone think i can get away with running another 250w light or will that be waay too much? How many watts can a room usually handle? I was thinking of getting a 250w or a 150w. Any input would be appreciated..
If your fuse is shortin out now then i would do something to lower wattage or put stuff on another breaker.Usually they can use 15amps of power..Im not too familiar with that but u dont want an electrical fire from that..be safe..


Well-Known Member
The fuse is telling you to back off usage, not add to it. Dangers ad bad things happen when we ignore the sign of trouble for expediency.


If you’re tripping your breakers more often that’s telling you something. If these are fuses I’d trend on the cautious side because the wiring is older. Question is what amp breakers are these and on which outlets? This is off the top of my head so the numbers might be off a little. I believe most rooms are on a 10-20 amp breakers? But most rooms are linked with other rooms or hallways etc. But a 600W at 120V equals 5[FONT=&quot] amps[/FONT] draw. That 250 should pull little over 2 amps and the 150W 1.25 amps Good old High School electronics hehe. I’d find out what plugs are on which circuit and do the math, but that’s me. Perhaps with a little creativity you could move some of the devices to other outlets. Don’t get so creative that you think a 15 amp breaker is okay but a 25 or 30 would be better. This is why houses burn down. There is a kewl little tool called a “kill a watt” for 20 30 bucks that might help with this. bongsmilie