Electricity concerns..


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm currently underway on building a new cabin style home that's approximately 1800 sq ft total; 1100 h&c. I'm wanting to build a pier & beam grow facility behind the home. I currently live in a state where it's illegal & don't want to raise any suspicion with the utility companies. I would like my grow to yield at the minimum 5lbs per harvest, use HPS lamps, run a hydro system, & maintain a good temp/humidity level. What's the max amount of power I can get away with & not cause any suspicion? By knowing this it will allow me to know how to scale my facility. Keep in mind I live in a rural area, & there will be no power spike due to starting my bill w/ home & facility from jump street. Also, I will have an option to have city natural gas so running on a generator could be an option, but then we have the same concern on gas bill suspicion too. Please give me some good feedback! Thanks in advance!
small hot tub heated 24-7 be a least 5000 watt a hr power co don't care just don't be dumb about it


Well-Known Member
Yessir, I have considered that. I believe I have the option of a smart meter or a standard, but I'm still unsure being I'm in the early stages of building. I'll need roughly 2,300Watts of lighting to produce 5lbs per harvest. That's considering I get .8g/1Watt of light. I wouldn't mind having 4,000watts.. Is 2,300Watts too much? If not, how close can I get to 4,000Watts without causing suspicion?
with a standard meter u get a visit once a month,i love my smart meter my bill has gone down no more meter readers


Well-Known Member
Yeah it's about $50 month per 1000 watt light INCLUDING AC. I run 8-12 kW in basement at 10¢ per kwh, that's including delivery... I run 11/13. Only go off when I trim.

Now let's stop this nonsense. I don't see any need to do any of the above. No stories or gens or panels. The avg house in us uses 1500 kwh month easily. If your all electric it's way more. And it sounds like your location is discreet and that maybe your best option. A electric dryer, stove, water heater and furnace will generate a bill that's thousands of kwh for someone who doesn't grow. Let alone someone who likes a jacuzzi or does pottery. Haha


get an AC, mini split or window and seal room very tight. That's all, you can run 4-6 kW with absolutely no issues ever! That's like having an electric hot water heater.

Just pay your bill on time, your there best customer! N tip your mailman! Better yet, put mailbox at end of driveway. Don't worry. I use 4000-5000 kwh month no issues.

What's your rate? (With delivery)

Do you have access to natural gas?
i have 8 k in main room and 2600 in side room with 1400 for veg. comes to 850.00 a month, during summer months i plan to set my D/E at 600 watts

