I wouldn`t 110 recepticals for 220 either so there you go.That`s about as dangerous as you can get..One wrong plug and ooooooppppsand do you know if you tell someone to do something and there shit burns because of what you told them to do your LIABLE?
jesus man
it is a possibility but not very likely in this case. it really depends on just how many things your using all at once.. the stove and appliances dont bother me, but those 15amp breakers are what usually overloads a main... people just buy extension cords and power strips and go nuts plugging things in, not realizing they are running unbalanced loads that make main breakers trip...
to accuratly answer your question i would need the TOTAL WATTAGE of everything in the entire house that is plugged in and uses power. its what we call THE DEMAND FACTOR in the electrical business... its a pain in the ass to get all the wattages but you have to do it if you want to know
The 220 is the main plug.But 220 on 110 recepticals is still very dangroushe has a 240 receptacle if you had bothered to even look at the pics.
and no one told him to put 220 on 110... your grasping at straws man
Yea thats the plan, im going to stick with the #6 as i want to get this done. Cant wait to fire up those lights and hear those ballasts purrR!!!do what we call the thanksgiving test... we figure that on thanksgiving, on average thats when a household will use the most power, everyone is home, so the heat is on, lights are all on. mom is wearing out the kitchen using micro, stove, oven, and a crockpot or two, and someone is doing laundry while all the tv's and comps are on![]()
you pretty much turn on everything in the house and let it run for an hour or two
i was licensed in 76 how about youa fucking welder doesnt run on a continous duty cycle for 12 hours......
man, seriously, i know what the fuck im talking about, and people that assume they know shit about electricity piss me off, you know what im saying?
run 40 amps on 12/3 for 12 hours with no break and see what happens...
your fucking welder only uses power when your welding... for what, 90 secs a bead, if that?
exactly.K so red and black can go into either left or right and from reading before red and black can be swapped in the panel as well as to top or bottom????