Electrical shock growth test

All the info is on the net even most for their experiment, might even find their patent but i didnt see it just a load of previous ones.

Very useful information, I have a lot of research and planning to do. I think plants offer great testing ability since I can use clones to have a large source of genetically identical subjects. I can hopefully isolate each variable into a separate test on a separate plant to see what makes them tick. I don't expect yield increases but I do hope to give the community some new information.

Btw I have some spare carbon electrodes that should work perfect.
Maybe You could get big gains if you charge the soil to increase absorption of nutrient ions. You could add in a new type of nutrient material into the soil, and when you flip the switch, the substance you sprinkled - it starts releasing ions. I’m trademark copywrite patenting this as my idea now btw.

You could also wrap your extension cords around the base of the plant to create magnetic fields and induction currents. See what happens.
Leaves use electrons in their energy chain displaced by light, they will not substitute a long chemical pathway for direct charge and the recombination of energy is not electricity but Atp.

Type ' electric charged plant roots' into google and read the first hundred results your self you lazy ass - literally hundreds!!!
I am not sure about how it works in plants , but I think I might got the electron chain ideas possibly on the right track in my thinking . In people , if the oxygen levels are low in the blood , the body produces a tiny amount of ATP , and a lot of ethanol and Lactic Acid or Lactate , something like that . The Ethanol goes back into the blood stream and raises the glucose levels in the blood . In the presence of high levels of oxygen in the blood , the mitochondria in cells ( mitochondria are like little coal fired electrical generation plants that require oxygen to burn the coal ; in each cell ) ; when oxygen in the blood is high , then the mitochondria generates energy by processing a long chain of events at the end of which a lot of ATP is produced . Now if I got this right , when the chain of events finalize by a molecule being converted into ATP , and at that moment energy is given off in the form of a Hydrogen Atom missing it's only electron , which is the same thing as a proton atom ( Also expressed as H+ ) . This electron that flies off of the Hydrogen atom travel through space and lands on the electron chain , which is what the human body needs to power many processes . If I got this right so far , then I remember pictures of the electron chain where a factory production line , like making a model T , these electrons start a chain of event pulling molecules inside a membrane , converting molecules and powering things out of the membrane , I might have some of this thinking correct , hopefully .

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