electrical question


Active Member
If I were to use a 400w hps and it plugs into a wall socket would it be safe to use the other wall socket for fans? I'm not sure which fans cause i have not bought them yet because i want to know what is safe to do like that and i dont mean useing a power strip i mean the 2 wall sockets that are normally in a wall i just wanna know if something bad could happen with that.


Active Member
Yea. most household breakers are rated at 15 amps. A 400W ballast pulls somewhere around 3 1/3 amps and the fans probably don't use 1 amp. you'll be fine. your ballast should say the amps on it but if it doesn't: W/V=A so 400W/120V=(3+1/3)A

happy growing


Well-Known Member
You should be ok, thats what the socket is there for. I would still put surge protectors on your equipment, just to protect it. Just make sure the surge protectors can handle the load from your equipment.