Electrical question for different voltage for Quest Dehumidifier 220 230 240 277


Well-Known Member
I'm in a pinch because my quest 225 seems to have shit the bed. It was making a strange oscillating type sound and I checked it out and noticed the air pressure coming from the main fan was very low. I switched the unit off and the fan went off but the hum of what I assume is the condenser was still humming which was very strange so I had to flip the breaker to turn the unit off.

Anyway while i trouble shoot that Im going to order a new 325 unit and they come in 208-230v as well as 277v and when I measured the voltage from my outlet it is 245-247ish. Is that ok to use for the 208-230v unit I'm assuming? I tried to call quest all day with no answers so far. Any advice appreciated.
240v should be fine, a few volts high isn't an issue. Don't know how Quest came up with 230v, the US standard for single phase is 120/240v. 277v is commonly used for commercial lighting. BTW, voltage specs for the Quest 325 are the same as the 225.

Thanks for the reply, I was told that the 245-247 reading was a bit strange but and ended up retesting it to 241v so must have been a little fluctuation at the time of my first testing. And quest confirmed that you are correct on your thoughts. They did note that exposing the machine to 247v for the entirety of the units usage would very slightly stress the mechanics and potentially slightly shorten the lifespan. But maybe just covering there asses with that.
I'm in a pinch because my quest 225 seems to have shit the bed. It was making a strange oscillating type sound and I checked it out and noticed the air pressure coming from the main fan was very low. I switched the unit off and the fan went off but the hum of what I assume is the condenser was still humming which was very strange so I had to flip the breaker to turn the unit off.

Anyway while i trouble shoot that Im going to order a new 325 unit and they come in 208-230v as well as 277v and when I measured the voltage from my outlet it is 245-247ish. Is that ok to use for the 208-230v unit I'm assuming? I tried to call quest all day with no answers so far. Any advice appreciated.
Dude, why not ask quest themselves?? Ive made queries with them and they were very helpfull.

Love our quest, especially the external control option.
Dude, why not ask quest themselves?? Ive made queries with them and they were very helpfull.

Love our quest, especially the external control option.
He asked Quest. "And quest confirmed that you are correct on your thoughts. They did note that exposing the machine to 247v for the entirety of the units usage would very slightly stress the mechanics and potentially slightly shorten the lifespan. But maybe just covering there asses with that. "
He asked Quest. "And quest confirmed that you are correct on your thoughts. They did note that exposing the machine to 247v for the entirety of the units usage would very slightly stress the mechanics and potentially slightly shorten the lifespan. But maybe just covering there asses with that. "
Ooopsie, shoulda read thru more than the first post
Just an update on the Quest 225 repairs/ trouble shooting. Quest send me a handfull of parts, first; fan assembly, fan capacator, various relays, humidity control switch. When that didnt work they sent a new deforst control, compressor capacator, and transformer. So at the end of the whole thing I replaced all of the electrical components. It was still not functioning properly and they are now having me ship it to them to most likely replace the compresser unit free of charge as im still a couple years in warants.

But what a pain in the ass, Probably a good 4-5 hours working on it and I'm by no means a hvac tech so its kind of wild they expect most people to take this all on their selves. And now I have to wait about 4-week turnaround time.

Are quests generally the most reliable, or is anden or other brands mor reliable. This unit is only 2.5 years old and I have been diligent on changing filters etc.