Well-Known Member
Oh I hear you... one of my hobbies is to work on aircraft... I understand serious...I was waiting for you to chime in. lol
gypsy, I just want to make sure whatever you decide to do is safe. can't be to gun hoe with electricity. do it the right way and you can continue to live and grow. some of what you were saying just scared me.
So now... can I safely build an extension cord and supply my needs while saving the wallet and the house?
It's like, what if I wanted to put the dryer on the other end of the room... would I need a sub panel???

Now, instead of a dryer, I will be plugging in 3 x 5 amps (120v)... would that make it necessary to have a sub panel?
Please help me understand this.... oh and by the way.. I am about 400 miles from the nearest road... in a small eskimo village in western Alaska... so we kinda tend to do our own... lol... expensive call to the electrician...

OK. so what is the veredict?
Can I build and use it safely or do I need the whole giggamaflopper...?