Electric Companies Ratting you out to NARCS?


Hey guys,
So I am a new user to this forum, have been following for a bit now, but I have a growing concern that I had recently heard about and wanna see if you guys have any knowledge about it.

SO apparently I heard that when growing indoors, and having your plant lights on a timer, the electric company notices that you turn on your lights in a certain section of your house around the same time each day. The same thing goes for powering off. With that, the electric company "supposedly" alerts the cops and they come to investigate.

Any truth to this, kind of making me nervous.


The only thing ive heard was on a thread someone started the other day about "smart meters" the electric companies are installing. And yeah, they do have that capability and potential


Well-Known Member
NO!!!! . . . and yes. lol. First of all unless you plan on pulling more then 1000+watts in ur grow then u have nothing to worry about. If you are planning on more, then the sudden spike in ur electrical usage could potentially arise interest. It does depend on how friendly ur state is and ur situation obviously, but unless ur planning a BIG GROW, something in ur closet wont alert the pigs.


Well-Known Member
where i'm at .......they know......and enjoy the added business. ppl do 10,000W grows in my town, and no one gets busted due to power usage.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, if your worried about the electric company, then u should have been growing for years, they dont care. They only notice unless you suddenly spike your bill big time, so unless your going from not growing to 50 plants, your fine. Marijuana was evolved to grow, SO GROW THAT SHIT! and only worry if you have a white van randomly hanging out in front of your house :P


Active Member
ive been growing in a gun safe in a very populated area for quite some time now with a 250w hps and a general hydro water farm. as long as you keep it simple you never have an issue. just dont get greedy.......


Well-Known Member
Ok, ill put it this way.... An average hot water heater uses 7.5 KWh a day... thats average... now add in a Dryer... that runs on a 30 amp receptacle.. .say you do laundry once a day.. Start up can consume 1000-1500w depending on dryer.. and idles at anywhere from 300-600.
Now stoves...
An 8 inch plug in eye is 2100 watts@240volts, a 6 inch eye is 1250 watts@240volts....
I just covered 3 little parts of a houses electric bill... I wont even get into baseboard heaters that amount to 1000w each... and homes can have 1-2 a room where I come from... Soo.. if your worrying about electricity dont.. just pay your bill on time...

Also.. I know of people with 16 light grow houses.. they just have 8 on 6-6am and 8 on 6-6pm... Been doing this for years no attention as of yet..

Good luck, be smart, less paranoid.
