Hello everyone! Thank you for taking the time to read and respond it really is appreciated. I have 240v power coming in to a 200amp circut box and 5 -30 amp breakers (FOR LIGHTING). 1-30 amp breaker powers 3 outlets and 1-1000 watt ballast plugs to 1 outlet, thus 3 ballasts per 30amp breaker. All my lights power up and run just fine, I wrote this to give you the backround. Here is my dilemma, I have hydrofarm timers- 1 per outlet meaning 1 per ballast, but the timer is 15 amp max load so with 30 amps running to the outlets the timers get over powered and will not work. I have searched for higher load bearing timers but have been unsuccesfull. I know I can build a relay but theres no way all my power cords will reach the relay plugs and I also do not have the extra spaces on my circut box for the extra 15amp breaker(for the timers) that the relay's require. Plus I have allready spent ample time running the elecrtical outlets and do not want to go backwards. Every thing is ran and set up, Im ready to GO after lots of hardwork and the only thing holding me back is this timer situation. I am not new to growing, this is not my first indoor operation, but it is my biggest. My veg room runs on the rest of the spaces but uses 600w ballasts which require less amp's hence smaller breakers so that room is just fine and the timers in there have no hickups. If you have a solution help me PLEASE! In the meantime I will be trying to create a digital timer that can bear 30amps. If I am successfull I hope I make milliions selling them on Ebay....Seriously people thanx.