Eight days into flowering... Is this a male (with pics) : (


Active Member
I have been growing my baby for a little over a month now and so far it has been in the flowering stage for about eight or so days with the lights on 12 hours and off 12 hours. Are those new growths the things I don't want to see... Has everything been for nothing, and I have a little boy? I need some help guys, I don't see any hairs coming out, but its only been a week. Does it need more time? How does it look health wise, I recently switched to a bloom booster fertilizer and she has greened out a bit. THanks weed gods!:joint:



Active Member
Am I even looking in the right area... this is my first grow if you can't tell and I'm having a tough time figuring this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated bro's! : )


Active Member
They sort of look like that... But I was talking to a guy on here who's looked similar to mine and he thought his was a males until hairs we're coming out all over... I'm still dreaming though : /


Active Member
Damn... you guys are sure. Looks like some hairs coming out of the top, but that may just be new growth. What is the difference, what do they girls look like at the nodes??


Well-Known Member
look like a fella, but i guess ya could leave it n see i its hermie,those things you think are hairs growing at the top are prolly more balls... use a tooth pick to gently seperate the fluffy top shoots, and you'll prolly find small clusters of male flowers growing...

dr greenfumb

Active Member
u definately need to leave it for a week longer or so having looked at the pics close up it cud be male but then again it mite be female. the best thing to do if it is male is invest in 100% female seeds get a 5 seed pack and just germinate 1 or 2 get some experiance and do some experimenting of your own once youve grown some buds germinate the rest and grow them bigger and better also u will never have to pay for seeds again because u can take clones (free plants!!!!) happy growing pal.


Active Member
Here are some pictures I took this morning... looks like little balls are starting to form... : ( This is the most amount of disappointment I have ever felt... Hopefully my little god's purp seed will sprout and I can start the whole thing over... So whats the deal with hash, what is it, and how do you make it from the males?


Sorry it does look a lot more like a boy now. Look in the faqs for hash methods, fdd did like a journal on either hash or oil or both I think. Just do a search on it and if you see fdd2blk as the thread owner you know its good.

Sorry again dewd


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't think you can make hash from males? the females produce what you want, males just have nasty white junk inside their pods lol. so unless you want sploodge-hash... i could be wrong tho i'm no expert...


Well-Known Member
if it is your only plant and it is hermie you can try cutting off all the male parts. if you have others id get rid of it quick before it impregnates your girls :)


Active Member
Yeah screw that I just heard you can make hash and was just trying to salvage what I could... Unfortunately this is my only plant right now, but I'm germinating a few more right now. This biggest thing for me is time and keeping it hidden... soon lots of people will be here so it might be impossible then : / Guess I'll just keep trying... (still sort of praying for some white hairs ha ha)


Active Member
The first picture is of the big plant that is definitely male as there are numerous sacks around all the nodes. The remaining three pictures are of a smaller plant I have, that has the same sacks on the nodes as the larger plant, but this one has lots of white hairs coming out of the top. Are those just smaller leaves or is it a female... I'm kinda lost. What do you guys think??

