EFs R&DiY LED, Circuits, Arduino, Hot Peppers and more thread

mmm im think you dont catch my idea correctly....
im explain too bad sorry epic....

in my idea the fan for heatsink are replaced for an rigid tube conected to heatsink and conected to 6 td silent fan same as cooltube way...

an rigid tube adapted to the size of heatsink... similar to an rigid dome for heatshink with "jacks" on both sides for connect with the air tubes not rigids...

my idea not reemplace your sistem its other idea posible .... maybe crazy or bad idea...

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Salmonetin why you gotta spill the secret? I'm not going to explain much more, but yeah this is a great idea I have been working with for a while. Once one of the main LED horticulture companies figure this out, if they haven't already, they will make a killing. I thought this up last year and it boggled my mind a few months ago when I looked to see if anyone has done it. My only real guess is that all of the current "cool tube" manufacturers have a pretty firm grip on the patents surrounding the technology. Cool tubing DIY or otherwise is one of the only ways to efficiently create a room capable of CO2 supplementation, remove the source of heat and the light should only alter the ambient temperature by a 1-10f daily. Leds lining the exterior of the room is one extreme way to solve the dilemma but you don't exactly see that happening on a feasible budget. Anyways I agree with salmonetin, cooltube the heatsink if you can! But keep up the great work if you can't cooltube.
It could be done with one long heatsink for sure. Build a 3 sided (or curved) shroud that connects to the sides of the heatsink basically turning the heatsink itself into a tube. Connect some ducting at each end and then too a fan, It should work instead of the pc fans to cool the aluminum and extract the heat they are dispersing.

Actually wouldn't be too hard to make but I don't think it would be necessary. Though not the same design, Heliospectra already seems to have made an led that will connect to a exhaust fan.

thanks for the link epic...
...my idea its just with a rigid pvc with a cut (form of heatshink) where I fit the heatsink and secure with silicone or adhesive...

...jejeje similar to new heliospectra.... ou yeahhh

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First, Bhut Jolokia.

The growth has been steady but the plant is staying short and bushy. Outside all my peppers seem stretched compare to this one under the 4300-4500k XM-L2's. The little buds (pictured earlier) have been showing up on different sites but keep falling off within a couple of days. So far only 1 has lasted long enough to develop into a flower, it opened today.


I will wait for it to develop a bit then ensure it pollinates itself with some gentle tapping. The humidity in its chamber is around 70% and temperature around 27°C, I think it might need to be hotter for the GP to properly flower but I will keep trying. I have some other pepper plants I will be adding to the chamber I am making for kitchen, most are easier to grow but will wait to germinate them for now.

Second, Party Cup Cabinet

I needed a little spot for my party cup entry so I found this old wall cupboard and modified it a bit. I didnt want to trap the heat from PC heatsink in the cabinet so I cut a hole in the top, then made a plate for the heatsink to sit on. It keeps the COB in the cabinet but the heatsink and fan outside of it. The cabinet was free and needs a bit of work but will do for now, I also added a fan to the side and will probably add another one later.

cob_mount_1.JPG cob_mount_2.JPG
I finally found some time to (almost) finish up this portion of my CXA project, I will run it with this configuration for a bit before adding anything. I was looking for some way to hang the heatsinks, @SupraSPL I believe just drilled holes in his heatsinks and hangs them with zinc chain but I wanted something different as I use the ratchet ropes to adjust height. I really like the ones @JavaCo for made his homebrew light but I don't have a lathe so I could not make them.

Those were pointed out to me and I thought they would work perfectly but I realized I would have to mill sections of the heat sinks fins flat to make them work properly, also I don't need that many. I then saw the ones @Positivity uses in this post, and instantly figured out what I was going to do about mine hanging hardware.

I took some 6mm 6061 aluminum and milled some custom hangers that screw into the sides of the sinks, they have a hole big enough for the carabiners on the ropes. When designing these I made them long enough to double as legs so I can put them down and not have the leds touch the floor/table. I was going to paint them but I think the black and silver is a nice look so I left them like that. The heatsinks are tapped and the hangers are attached with 1/4" 10-24 machine screws that are recessed into the hanger, I should have used black oxide allen heads but this is all I had.

hanger.jpg light.jpg

Here they all are with the RW-150's, we picked up a second GGT24 so now there is one for the DIY and one for the A51's. Maybe one day I can do a side by side but I don't see it happening anytime in the near future. In this picture is the 8x 3000k AB bin 3070's, I have two Z4's in a small cabinet also. People that know me know I'm hooked on LEDs, if they only knew why maybe they would understand.

Ooooo..like the hangers. And the extra to elevate it a bit, nice touch. Basic but gets the job done..right!!

Surprised you didn't put three cxas on there..lol. Them babies should be plenty cool :cool:
I will be adding more to the setup, I was thinking some 2700k and 730nm for flower initiation. I got the high rpm fans so I can add to them later, I should be able to get four COBs per sink.

On a side note, My real time clock/data logger shield arrived and some relays, so I will be setting up the arduino to as a on/off timer. I already got it logging temperature and humidity. Once I get the ethernet shield I'm going to display the info via Conky to my desktop on my #! linux HTPC.
bro epic ............can i link os post your thead or pics or vids?...yes or not?

my best whishes for your proyects, you know this...:hump:

This is my dream too...
To make a LED light, inside with Arduino - which controls cycle for global lights (Program 1 18/6 / Progam 2 12/12 ), Then there is relay for Flower initiator, then when program 2 is activated comes in UV too. And thermostats + ethernet or wifi shield. It would be SmartLight :))

I can see advert:

"Want your growbox to be equiped with external USB connection?"

Or some hackers hack your project, and make males in your room, lol

The Ghost Pepper I have in the DWC Rubbermaid tote had that 1 flower... well it fell off before it even started to develop into a pepper and then the plant really didn't do much flowering since then. I figured I would switch to GH FloraNova Bloom as I was using the FloraNova Grow up untill about a week and a half ago. Since then the plant which only had a few flowers has grow at least a hundred little flower buds and they seem to be getting bigger instead of falling off.

Jolokia_2.jpg Jolokia_3.jpg Jolokia_4.jpg

I found a cheap cabinet on Craigslist for my kitchen, It still going to take me a bit but I want to set it up for just hot peppers. I was going to just get a shelving unit but my kitchen can get cool in the winter so I figured a cabinet would help maintain the warmth better. If all those little buds flower I'm going to have more Ghost Peppers than one can possibly eat.
mmm im think you dont catch my idea correctly....
im explain too bad sorry epic....

in my idea the fan for heatsink are replaced for an rigid tube conected to heatsink and conected to 6 td silent fan same as cooltube way...

an rigid tube adapted to the size of heatsink... similar to an rigid dome for heatshink with "jacks" on both sides for connect with the air tubes not rigids...

my idea not reemplace your sistem its other idea posible .... maybe crazy or bad idea...

mmm im think you dont catch my idea correctly....
im explain too bad sorry epic....

in my idea the fan for heatsink are replaced for an rigid tube conected to heatsink and conected to 6 td silent fan same as cooltube way...

an rigid tube adapted to the size of heatsink... similar to an rigid dome for heatshink with "jacks" on both sides for connect with the air tubes not rigids...

my idea not reemplace your sistem its other idea posible .... maybe crazy or bad idea...

mmm im think you dont catch my idea correctly....
im explain too bad sorry epic....

in my idea the fan for heatsink are replaced for an rigid tube conected to heatsink and conected to 6 td silent fan same as cooltube way...

an rigid tube adapted to the size of heatsink... similar to an rigid dome for heatshink with "jacks" on both sides for connect with the air tubes not rigids...

my idea not reemplace your sistem its other idea posible .... maybe crazy or bad idea...


Something like this? image.jpg
hi Fiveleafsleft, why quoted me 3 times?, nervous? :wink:

...please your test for all temperatures.... work well "my" idea?....... please your opinion....

and big thanks.... one of my dreams come to reality....

...can i post or link your thread or pics or vids on my crazy spanish thread?...


back to pause mode. sorry

hi Fiveleafsleft, why quoted me 3 times?, nervous? :wink:

...please your test for all temperatures.... work well "my" idea?....... please your opinion....

and big thanks.... one of my dreams come to reality....

...can i post or link your thread or pics or vids on my crazy spanish thread?...


back to pause mode. sorry

Hi Salmontine! Sorry for triple quoting, sometimes i just get stuck in that echo-chamber, amber, amber. ;)

It's CXA 2530's with four 3-watters. Without fans, at 350 mA the temps stay around 55 C. at the measuring-point of Cxa's. @ 700 mA temps go up to 80 C. These readings are with ambient temps of 22 C. Unfortunately i haven't hooked them up to my fan yet, so can't tell you how much of a difference it Will make. I have to finnish four more panels firts, and then i will hook everything up at the same time.. if my P&S silent 100 fan only is strong enough, i have little to zero doubt that temps will go down quite a bit. Your idea is very good, but I stole the design (with some minor changes) from a guy at ICMag, where i also have a thread. (I wish I had started it here instead, cause here people seem to know and care about led lights!) https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=287557 You can go to the last page if you wanna see the result. Feel free to link or use pictures! I will check your Crazy thread out, and maby learn some spanish :)

Hasta la proxima!
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Those heat sinks look awesome EF! put them in cooltubes if you don't get the temps down to where you want them. My heat sinks look like this, which makes them easy to mount into spiro-tubes. Maybe you could use spiro to, if you cut away enough of it to fit the sinks. You would need silicon or something to make it air-tight, and it would probably be less esthetic than your current solution.. But someone told me, that what is functional is always beautiful.. Iloveplants, is this similar to the design you were pondering?

I like the tube heatsink idea. I made a waterblock from aluminum tubing, though I haven't done anything with it yet.
....I took a 1x2" length of aluminum tubing, welded the ends shut and tapped them with a 1/4 NPT tap. I'm not a good welder (I suck actually) but I managed to get it water tight. It is a custom 14" long aluminum water block designed for 2 two CXA3070's that I will hook up to my old Zalman Reserator (mine is blue not black). I don't know if it will handle the wattage but it wont hurt to try.



For air cooled tube I like the idea of a 4"x4" aluminum square tubing as the flat surface makes for excellent mounting of leds. You can then attach some flange to connect your ducting or just some 120mm high RPM PC fans to remove the heat. Aluminum might not be cost effective though.

@Fiveleafsleft I like your heatsinks, those look like they would be perfect for the PVC fence posts that @SomeGuy is using in his thread, using it like a cool tube instead of just a holder though. I personally would use aluminum over PVC as I'm not a fan of the off gassing, one can usually find cheap off cuts of aluminum at the local metal market/scrap yard. The way you have yours set up seems like it should work just the way it is supposed to, I'll be Interested in hearing how well it works. One suggestion I could make (I know you already built some) is using 6" ducting with your 4" fan as it should lower the static pressure allowing it to move more air easier with less resistance.
I like the tube heatsink idea. I made a waterblock from aluminum tubing, though I haven't done anything with it yet.



For air cooled tube I like the idea of a 4"x4" aluminum square tubing as the flat surface makes for excellent mounting of leds. You can then attach some flange to connect your ducting or just some 120mm high RPM PC fans to remove the heat. Aluminum might not be cost effective though.

@Fiveleafsleft I like your heatsinks, those look like they would be perfect for the PVC fence posts that @SomeGuy is using in his thread, using it like a cool tube instead of just a holder though. I personally would use aluminum over PVC as I'm not a fan of the off gassing, one can usually find cheap off cuts of aluminum at the local metal market/scrap yard. The way you have yours set up seems like it should work just the way it is supposed to, I'll be Interested in hearing how well it works. One suggestion I could make (I know you already built some) is using 6" ducting with your 4" fan as it should lower the static pressure allowing it to move more air easier with less resistance.

Yeah I actually spent some time looking for square metal tubes, to save some space, unfortunately only plastic ones were available. 6" ducting is a great idea, but will see how it works with 4" first, since i allready have it and also have a limited space. Hopefully i will be able to fit 4 of those tubes in an area of 45x96 cm, or 4,65 feet2 if that makes more sense.

Those waterblocks sounds intriguing! Put them to use, and tell us how it works!