Effects of touching and talking to plants? and more questions.


Well-Known Member
what happens if you spend time with your plants talking to them and just bassically hanging out around them? is it good or bad?

and also, how do i know when to pick seeds of of my plant? they have the same characteristics of the first seed when i bought them

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Nah, it's bad, they have very addictive personalities, they'll get so down when you're away that they'll be on the crack pipe before you can register it.

With seeds, as far as i know just leave it as it is until harvest time. They should be ncie and viable by then, then just pick em out of the buds as your trimming them


Well-Known Member

Yeah, the "touching and talking" is BS. I'm sure it's been thoroughly tested, and if it had any positive effects, it'd be in use, world-wide.


Well-Known Member
Talking to plant's realises special chemicals that helps your plants health and produce's more bud. If your kind to your plants they will be kind to you, after all their letting you smoke them!


Well-Known Member
I spend many happy hours talking to my plants. Me and Prince Charles.

All my plants, including my cacti.

A gardener who doesn´t interact with his charges has no soul.


Talking to your plants also adds more CO2 I'm sure its an unsubstantial amount but as growers any extra amount is good to us!!


Active Member
I highly doubt a plant has any way of "knowing" if you are talking to it- but the fact someone does shows a couple of things:
1) They have an emotional attachment to them, and will be more proactive when issues do come up.
2) You are spending more time with them, which will allow you to notice things that others will not recognize.

I feel that talking to the plants doesn't make the plants grow better, but it will make you a better grower.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I highly doubt a plant has any way of "knowing" if you are talking to it- but the fact someone does shows a couple of things:
1) They have an emotional attachment to them, and will be more proactive when issues do come up.
2) You are spending more time with them, which will allow you to notice things that others will not recognize.

I feel that talking to the plants doesn't make the plants grow better, but it will make you a better grower.
I agree to an extent, but i've noticed a lot of new growers on this site seem to have stared at their plant for hours on end and just pulled issues and problems out of thin air.


Well-Known Member
Well, from what ive read the conclusion is simple. It can only be good.. Results will be better anlyzed and your plant will be less susceptible to disease, nute deficiency . and it is also promotes co2. the only downfall i can recognize would be thc rubbing off onto your fingers...


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt a plant has any way of "knowing" if you are talking to it- but the fact someone does shows a couple of things:
1) They have an emotional attachment to them, and will be more proactive when issues do come up.
2) You are spending more time with them, which will allow you to notice things that others will not recognize.

I feel that talking to the plants doesn't make the plants grow better, but it will make you a better grower.
Damn Homegrown. You always beat me to the punch. I talk to my babies a little bit. But I think my plants like to rock out so I usually have music on around them as much as possible.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
we release a fair bit of co2 when we hang out ion the r4oomn. i have a meter i can breath on once and rises 500 ppm. when i first enter the room and co2 is off its at about 800 ppm. within 5 min its sometimes at 2500 ppm depending if im working or just sititing and admiring.


bud bootlegger
i don't see any harm in talking to your plants, and in fact i think it could be beneficial in some ways like the slight addition of added co2 and like someone else had mentioned, you maybe able to notice things quicker if your paying a lil more attention to them than someone who is not..
the only thing that gets under my skin, call it my pet peeve if you will, is when people name their plants.. for some odd reason, this just completely drives me bonkers, lol..


Well-Known Member
Tompkins and Bird - The Secret Life of Plants.
Plants were subected to polygraph-like testing. Did appear to respond to people talking to them and to music.