effects of topping?


Well-Known Member
just a few questions about topping.
some of these i know, but my neighbor is a new grower asked me so i wanna make sure first.
when is the best time to top?
does it slow growth a lil bit?
does the bud lose any potency?
do the two new buds grow full size or are they smaller? (does it yeild more or the same)
any other effects?


Well-Known Member
Depends whether you're doing this indoors or not.

Indoors there is a sweet spot for lighting and the aim is to get as many tops as possible basking in that sweet spot.

Are the resulting tops sometimes smaller, yes, but would you rather have 1 top getting a lot of light and producing 1/2ounce with secondaries of lower quality.

Or would you rather train your plant to have 4, 8 or even 16 tops of slightly smaller sized bud but yielding up to a few ounces with minimal secondaries.

Best time to top is when the plant has become well established (5 nodes or more).

Yes it slows growth a little while the plant repairs the cut point.

Is any potency lost. No.



Well-Known Member
Top when they are growing rapidly and are at least a month old. It makes 2 smaller colas. no potency is lost. It doesn't really slow growth, maybe 1-2 days.


Well-Known Member
Great info, i thought so, but i wanna be sure before giving advice about something i don't have much experience in, thanks much!