Effects of switching from 24/0 - 18/6??


Well-Known Member
plants are about 5 weeks from germination and have been under 24/0 fluro lights, (2) 4' T12 and (2) 4' T5. I've been debating switching the lights to 18/6 so that they can get a break and a little sleep but I'm not sure if it's a good idea this late into veg. Anyone know if switching the lights this late to 18/6 will be enough to induce flowering or have any negative impact? If so, I'll keep them where they are cuz I'm looking for another 1-2.5 months of veg. Thanx!


Well-Known Member
Little to no stress. it is natural for days to get shorter. That is how plants know when to flower and dont worry they wont start flowering. I always start my seedlings or clones on 24hrs under cfls then when they are big and healthy move them to 18/6 under HID then to 12/12 under hps when im ready to flower. no worries


Well-Known Member
that's some good news. I figure every living thing needs some sleep. I have an outdoor timer I picked up to use for flowering because it has a 12/12 cycle and has the amp power needed for all the lights, fan, ect. All of the indoor timers I could find locally didn't have the proper ampage, bound to blow a fuse.. Any recommendation on a timer that can be set to 18/6 with the output in volts and amps needed?


Well-Known Member
I have several i know you can get one at HTG (high tech garden supply) google it very good prices. Any local hydro shop should carry them and you can get some at a hardware store. Figure out how many amps you will be running add some to that to be safe and ask somebody at the store and they will get you the right one.