Let me start by saying that I dont know if this has been done a hundred times or not. I havent seen it since I joined 2 months ago.
I have not smoked pot in 8-10 years. I am currently growing and plan to start again to see if it helps with my depression and back pain. For the last 5 years or so I have been getting drunk most every night to help with these issues.
What I am thinking is since I dont smoke and havent for a while, I am able to/want to run some tests to see the effects of pot vs sober vs drunk. What I am looking for are some ideas for tests to see how I function, ability to reason, math, emotional state all of it. Im not sure where to look or what would be a good way to go about it. If anyone has any advice let me know.
I am willing do a few weeks normal drunk testing, a few weeks stone cold sober, and a few weeks baked testing.
Again I am not sure what it will prove or even why to bother with it but if we can come up with some good test questions maybe it can help to show the effects of each. I dont know , just thought it would be interesting.
I have not smoked pot in 8-10 years. I am currently growing and plan to start again to see if it helps with my depression and back pain. For the last 5 years or so I have been getting drunk most every night to help with these issues.
What I am thinking is since I dont smoke and havent for a while, I am able to/want to run some tests to see the effects of pot vs sober vs drunk. What I am looking for are some ideas for tests to see how I function, ability to reason, math, emotional state all of it. Im not sure where to look or what would be a good way to go about it. If anyone has any advice let me know.
I am willing do a few weeks normal drunk testing, a few weeks stone cold sober, and a few weeks baked testing.
Again I am not sure what it will prove or even why to bother with it but if we can come up with some good test questions maybe it can help to show the effects of each. I dont know , just thought it would be interesting.