Effects of hydrogen peroxide on hmv (hemp mosaic virus)?


Active Member
Just spent the last hour looking for broad mites and not a thing. Also I assume if it was mites all my plants would be infected by now.


New Member
Hey man, I'm very worried I have a hemp virus. Do you know much about them and how to diagnose a virus. Thanks


New Member
Thanks for such a quick reply!

I'm not sure if I have it, this is my first grow so I'm learning. But what I have heard is that if I have it this could be my first and last grow. I've just joined this site and don't know how to post a pic yet. I'm four weeks into veg, got two in coco and two in dwc.


New Member
Hi man,

I'm first time grower and worried I have a hemp virus. I'm trying to figure out how to post pics so please bare with me.

My symptoms are, wilting-usually last few hours before lights of then when light comes back on they perk up then wilt at the same time next day. Purple line streaks on stems, two shades if green on new growth/light green with dark grey green. Rust spots on my lowest fan leaves.

I'm running dwc with canna nutes, these keep my ph in check. I've given higher feed and lower feed still no change, increased air flow into bucket still no change. Fed Epsom salts and regular res change every 7 days maximum.

Plant is growing at a faster rate then my others in coco but then again it is dwc. I've been experiencing these symptoms for awhile now and unfortunately they coincide with many other deficiencies and toxins.

But having tried methods of cure unsuccessfully I've researched incurable viruses and now think this may be my problem.

I'm puffing a spliff and making a wish that this doesn't come true.

I'm all ears and thankful to anyone with time and experience willing to help. Also anyone going through same issues we can support each other through these turbulent times.

Sorry for long post/read

Just some dumbass

Active Member
Just spent the last hour looking for broad mites and not a thing. Also I assume if it was mites all my plants would be infected by now.
They are mites. Could be broad, cyclamen or russet mites. Need 100x microscope to find them. I have dealt with these terrible pests more than I would ever wish on any grower. They have different effects on different strains. Some times the splotchy chlorosis like in your pics. sometimes backward folding leaves like a mag deficiency. sometimes downward curving leaf tips. sometimes spiral leaflets, they travel slowly around a garden and some strains don't show obvious signs. I promise you it is one of these mites. miticides and horticulturanl oils give some measure of control but very difficult to eliminate with. Heat your room with plants in it to 110F for 1 hour and you will kill 98% of them (maybe a plant or 2 also). Submerge a plant (not roots) in 111F water bath for 15 min and you kill 100% of these mites and their eggs. There are a number of predator mites available for them as well. Neoseiulus fallacis and Neoseiulus cucumeris are a good place to start.