Effect of stress during flower- lengthen or shorten harvest time?


Well-Known Member
So I'm wondering if conditions of stress would lengthen or shorten the flower-harvest time of MJ generally. Lets say you had to move your plants to a safer spot and in the process or because of, tore a few roots and bent the main stem(plants are "ok" though) and not getting to feed and water regularly(10-12 day spaces). Are these things likely to trigger a plant to finish sooner or delay it? I guess it's hard to say but I thought maybe someone knows from experience.


Active Member
I had three plants that were stressed really bad, the majority of fan leaves had died and fell off, and at ten weeks they seemed like the last grow at 8 weeks, and they had a large decrease in yeild. But i didnt really care bc at least i got something out of them. But i guess it would depend on how much they were stressed. In my case it was alot, bc they almost died.


Uses the Rollitup profile
It depends on what the stress was. Most times, some stressful events will not affect maturity time, they will simply lessen yield. If the dark period is interupted, that will delay maturity.

HTH :mrgreen:


Active Member
Ya I have some stressed out plants that are supposed to harvest@ 9 weeks, and compared to my same strain in hydro it looks under developed. I was thinkin about giving it an extra couple weeks to destress, or should I just harvest it now


Well-Known Member
go by the trichomes and overall bud look. you want that layer of almost shiny coating on them that comes in the last week or so....