Eep..Help...leaves are all droopy.


Active Member
Ok so im a walking vagina when it comes to growing pot.... i was bored one day...and figured hey... instead of throwing all these seeds out..why dont i do something with them....well its been about 3 weeks...and i have 3 plants.... i use 2 cut in half 5 gallon milk jugs for them [ yea i know. im poor ] My oldest plant just recently started looking strange...the leaves are all starting to ...sag i guess... and kind of curl downward....the very very tips of them are a slight yellow....and.. whatever the little.."flap" things..near where the leaves begin...are also a yellow [ Flap things..a technical term..ahem.. ]
thats the best picture i could take with my cruddy camera phone ... any ideas? everything ive read already...says "it could be could be underwatering.. it could be could be over-nuted.. (?? ) or yadda i said.. im a novice here..if anybody could help me out..ill have your child.... oh further furthermore...the plant is about.. id say 3 inches using a 2 ft fluorescent...and a CFL.. unsure of the wattage on those...the cfl is the one thats the "equivalent of 60 watt incand. ...and i wanna say that fluoro is 15w??? thanks again for putting up with reading this. and feel free to flame on about my crappy set up


Well-Known Member
what kinda dirt and water are you useing? have you added any nutes? it looks kinda rocky soil is why i ask. if its yard dirt with rocks in it and your useing tap water to water your plant id put 10.00 on you water ph is waaaay to high. test your runoff


Active Member
its some sort of Miracle Gro potting soil or top soil...cant quite exactly remember...and yes i did add some ...uh... i wanna say Miracle gro fertizler...stuff... i wanna say it was like 10-52-10 ???... im pretty sure i mightve added way too much of that....would that possibly be the cause?... and whats perilite? lol [[pardon the noobness]]


Well-Known Member
yeah that plant is way to small for nutes man, and that MG potting soil may have nutes in it already. perlite is small lil rocks you mix with your soil that makes it harder to over water.
do you have any drainage holes in your juggs?


Active Member
Yeah i do.... and eh yea i figured i shouldve waited on the nutes... i got a little over zealous with it i you think i can still salvage it somehow?


Well-Known Member
im not much of a inside soil grower guy, but if it were my plant i would let the soil get good and dry before i watered it again. but when you water it next time flush the hell out of it a few times. maybe that would take some of the nutes out. but like i said this kinda growing style isnt my bag so you my want to wait for sum1 with alil more exp with dirt to post.


Active Member
Same fucking thing happend to me.
I fertalised it to early and it drooped but i just repotted it then with new soil so hopefully it can survive.
Good luck