EEK leaves curling!!


New Member
it will take a couple days.....
The leaves may not straighten out,so look for proper new growth and slowed symptoms
alright i stopped screwing around and got lime so thats on there and some miracle grow pitting soil. so should i transplant intp new soil or judt stick with eht i go till there big enough to replant?


Well-Known Member
Put the brakes on.....
Before you do anything determine what the problem is. To me it looks like simple over watering which is one of the most common problem for new growers.

DO NOT start messing with soil PH unless you have positively determined it is the problem. You CANNOT do this without a tester. 99.99999% of the time the PH of the soil is fine and it's actually rare to have a soil PH problem unless the grower seriously fugged it up by listening to advise from stoners and not verifying it elsewhere.

Read, read, read, and when you think you've read enough, read some more. You'll find the best info for new growers on regular gardening sites. All the info is there in detail for a person to learn how to garden. Get the basics down and soon you'll be answering your own questions. Unless you do learn the basics, you'll always have problems.