Eeek!!! Grazed Stems!


Hi all,
NIGHTMARE!!! ive jus checked some plants i had in pots outside and last night a Slug has grazed the Bark off the base ov nearly EVERY stem!!! The Bugger!
So, ive made a tube that spans the entire base ov the plant and filled it with a good compost, hoping that the individual stems will root into it and sustain the plant til the end ov the year...
Is this a good thing to do?
Any other sugestions?
Should i sever the stems and "grow-on" seperately or keep them attached to the plant by the heart wood?

Thanx all


Well-Known Member
never had slugs on my mmj (i grow indoors) but an affective treatment for me (they love my beans) was a 1/2 inch layer of sand as a top layer /u can also use eggshells wich is a good source of calcium (as im sure u know) bottom line is sand/eggshells cut the belly of the to how to repair the damage i cant suggest anything wish i could help there.


diatomaceous earth also works well for slugs and snails, actually any insect that crawls will be dessicated. only problem is that it has to be kept dry, so it has to be re applied after watering... it's very fine sand and could be toxic if made airborn by a fan in a grow room.


Active Member
if you want to get rid of those slugs heres what to do,get a shallow bowl and put some beer in it,the slugs will be attracted to it and crawl up into the bowl and die I dont know why they like the beer but trust me it works every time. good luck