Edux10's WidowCindy Grow


Well-Known Member
looking good, Very interesting strain,I have been following all 3 grows and your doing great. good job keeping everyone posted. God Speed. ha ha the AG on the cover of HT! lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah that was funny, they didn't even really say anything good. After seeing "don't expect more than an oz at best" and "keep them small and flower immeditly" turned me away. It is surely a cool way to get started I would think. My girlfriend wants one. I said I could build her something that would yeild more and cost less from just getting parts at Target and the fish store. I wouldn't mind getting a light like that though.


Well-Known Member
They are going great today. I put those other seeds into a paper towel (not widowCindy just the ones my friend gave me, the Tiger) Sorry if I get off topic a lot. I am covering the WidowCindy but sometimes I want to show some of the other things that I have going on. And those seeds may be the daddy of a new strain. I will not be taking pics of everything else like I am documention the WC. I have pictures today. They look like yesterday but a little bit bigger. Who would have thought huh?!?


Well-Known Member
I added taggs to all the seedlings. They are marked A-F

All the seedlings are now showing roots. See.

And I transplanted thm all into party cups.

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Well I Had that aero table in my tent but I didn't have a chiller yet so the water was really warm. After a week there was algea starting to grow. I gave up on the aero table for the minute to focus on other aspects of the room. So I took the table out, after that I got my light to run really cool like I was saying and I am working on adding Co2 aswell. I just have the plant in soil right now (I mean the ones I am currently flowerig) So I think I will just grow out the WC like that too. I am going to get them all about a foot tall and take a clone. After this I will flower the seed I grew. I want to flower it kind of small becuese I don't know how much it will stretch. Then I will pick whatever one I like the most and probably keep any males at my friends house for breeding. That should be that. Even if a really slow and small plant has some really good bud I will know becuase I am not throwing out the ones that don't preform right away.


Well-Known Member
Soil is a good idea,
if you don't have your rez temp under control.

That's why I'm growing some hempy bucket,
although HB is still hydro.

The HB rez is small, and gets used up,
so there is no water to rot the roots,
but there is no elements in perlite,
so you need hydro nutes,
since hydro nutes contain micro elements,
that are not needed in soil fertilizer.

You still need to use RO,
or rain water for your soil grow,
if you want to have the best result.

Most tapwater in the USA sucks,
no matter how you choose to grow.



Well-Known Member
I need a rez cooler bad. It was like hot water in there!! I could have made tea or something. What rez cooler do you use and how much did it cost you, Earl?
I think I am going to use FFOF because I have the hookup on it. I think speedhabit is using that too. I have half a bag laying around and I can go get more. I get em for free or a couple bucks. Not bad for 20$ bags of soil.

What are the micro elements? are they the one besides the PNK? Like Mg and Boron and stuff?


Well-Known Member
My pump went out on my cloner and over the night all the unrooted cuts died. I don't know anymore. I think the best way is really the cubes or coco chor. I realize that these leave trash that doesn't dispose easy (maybe not the coco) but they work a lot better for me with less maintanance.


Well-Known Member
So is this strian offically called the StinkyWidowcindy now?
StinkyWidowcindy had same father as Widow Cindy,
but a different mother.

There are only a few stinkywidowcindy seeds.
They may not be any good.
Only 50% germ rate.


Well-Known Member
got it. That is what I was thinking at first. What were the traits of the mom used to make the WC? It seems to be very fast to me. I germed some other seeds my friend gave me and they didn't even crack after 24hrs and are just starting to crack with very small tails compared to the WC. So this is the first batch of WC right?


Well-Known Member
you are going to have to teach me how to breed when I get to that point in a few months! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
They are doing good today. My cloner had a leak and a lot of water got out and a bunch of my Bubba Kush clones dried up and died!! I am going to keep 1 and give away 4 or 5 to people in need. The WC look like they did the other day but the leafs are a little bigger and the stems are a little longer. I need to raise them close to the light. I got the pure kush and Babney Blueberry closer to the light and they are starting to do better. They are very small even after I have had them for a month (over!). The seeds that I gave away are doing ok. I don;t think those people really know what they are doing so I probably won't be covering them in this log unfortunatly. I keep telling them leaving a window open in a closet don't supply enough light to the plant. They are doing fine now cuz they are just sprouts but when they get bigger, to to mention flowering they will probably fail. I will try to help them out as much as they will let me though, I feel like it was more of a charity thing though cuz they had no way to get good seeds and by me doing that it will keep their interest going to maybe one day they will be able to do it better.

It is all a learning experience. This house that I am in I havn't had 1 good harvest, but 3 that failed. Things happen. I didn't know my tent was going to give off a toxic gas that would kill my plants after 2 weeks. I got all the kinks worked out this time and everyone can expect something out of it this time. I am feeling way better to, so that is another big +


Well-Known Member
Ive been busy around the garden all day. Everything is looking good. The bubbas that Im flowering are scraggly but maybe Ill get an oz off all 6. Whatever nothing else to put in that space. My GF's Purple Voodoo is doing great as well as my GDP and Dojah. I took some cuttings off my 818 and threw it in the flower room too. I just need to get on producing some nugs so I can flower the WC with no problems. They are looking great.
I figure by the time those ones are done flowering it will be perfect time to throw the WC in there and find the one I like, then Ill do a crop of GDP or something then like January I will do one of all WC of the pheno I like, by that time I will have produced enough clones to fill the room. 9-25 depending on how I do it. While all this is happening I hope to get a good fast male with some resin on it (males will get resin if they are good right?) and keep the pollen around for breeding with a crop. That is what I expect for the future, im sure I can get it done!!