Educated newb

hi peeps, been a member for a few weeks now just reading a couple threads and general info but thought it was time to introduce my self and actually post something! Here seemed as good a place as any to start! I'm just begining my green thumbed adventure,im a good way into my planning and purchasing but I live in the UK and as you probs all know the UK is not as accomodating as other country's so stealth will be one of my main concerns following Germination, anyone else here planning or currently growing indoor in the UK? Any tips or pointers would be greatly appreciated! I will be doing a full journal start to finish once I have everything In place which I'm sure will get me some needed tips until then happy 420 peeps stay calm and smoke on!


Well-Known Member
One thing I've learned from this forum is the only way you're going to know if something works for you is to try it yourself.

I asked for advice on a pre-built LED and was told everything from go CFL to build my own. Take what you read here with a grain of salt, unless they are a trusted grower.
Thank you for the advice! I will keep it in mind! I know there is an abundance of info available so filtering and deciding what info is best for you is a skill set in its own right I guess like with everything in life you have to trust your instincts and learn from your mistakes (or others that's why I'm here trying to not repeat some others have made) I have a lot of what you would call book smarts and not so much experience so will soon see who knows there stuff and put it into practice I hope! Stay calm and keep smoking!


Well-Known Member
Welcome !! you have come to the right place. We are a very diverse collective of world wide growers from pro's to hobbyist who may have different opinions about type and style of grow but all agree that our differences fail in comparison to the end resolve, which is forwarding our culture of cannabis growing and consumption. Check the forum's there is a ton of info in it. and again WELCOME.