EDTA Chelation Therapy - some thing everyone must know about


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EDTA (EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic Acid) is a synthetic amino acid related to vinegar. EDTA was developed by the Germans in 1931 to reverse heavy-metal poisoning from the ingestion of lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, and more.
This page contains several different articles about the effectiveness of EDTA Chelation Therapy for cardiovascular disease.

Benefits and Uses

  • It removes the effects of a heart attack.
  • It removes or reduces angina pectoris -- chest pains.
  • It removes or reduces cardiac stress intolerance.
  • It reduces shortness of breath in coronary artery disease.
  • It can bring back the elderly from senility, and improve memory and reduce the incidence of Pick's Atrophy and Alzheimer's disease.
  • It reduces blood pressure in about 60% of high blood pressure patients.
  • It can eliminate intermittent claudication (leg cramps and leg pain and numbness due to poor circulation).
  • It can reverse diabetic gangrene. It can restore impaired vision, particularly in the diabetic whose suffering from macular degeneration.
  • It improves memory, can prevent the deposition of cholesterol in the liver, it reduces blood cholesterol levels, it reverses toxic effects from digitalis excess.
  • It can convert and normalize 50% of irregular heart rhythms. Chelation reduces or relaxes excessive heart contraction. It reduces heart irritability and increases potassium within the cells of your body.
  • Chelation removes lead and cadmium and other heavy metals from the body.
  • It removes calcium from arteriosclerotic plaque. It dissolves kidney stones, reduces serum iron and protects against iron poisoning and iron storage disease of the liver.
  • Chelation reduces heart valve calcification, improves heart function and detoxifies several snake and spider venoms. It reduces dark pigmentation associated with varicose veins.
  • It heals calcified necrotic ulcers. It can improve the vision in diabetic retinopathy. It dissolves small cataracts. It makes arterial walls more flexible.
  • It helps to prevent and reduce osteoarthritis. It reduces and alleviates the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Chelation helps to smooth skin wrinkles, lowers insulin requirements for diabetics. It even dissolves large and small clots or thrombii.
  • It can reduce or reverse the effect of a stroke, particularly after the stroke, but even as late as two years following a stroke. It can reduce the effects of scleraderma. It reduces the need for bypass surgical procedures. EDTA can greatly reduce the need for lower extremity amputations.