EDIT ORDER? Where oh where have my beans gone?

damn it took forever for u to get ur order!!me and my friends EDIT order took 7 business days from time of shipping to arrive.growing 2 of them right now he=he
Bite me lol. But seriously, I'm thinking its just the luck of the draw.

i agree with this statement.. sometimes things just go through the process a lil slower then others.. i've ordered from sannies many times, and usually get them in under say two weeks.. my last order from him took closer to a month.. i was starting to get nervous that it got popped in customs, but i just forgot about it for a bit, and it came through fine.. idk why it took so long to get to me, but i do know that shit happens sometimes.. it really is out of our control as it is out of the banks hands.. they do their part to get us our orders as quickly as can be, but once they drop it in the mail, its on to the next person to do their jobs.. maybe someone didn't get laid that night, and are a lil cranky at work and didn't really feel like doing a bang up job that day.. i mean there's a million things that could happen to an order..
to be completely honest. i'm amazed that i get any of my mail.. its pretty amazing that you drop something in a box on a corner, and it arrives at its destination.. maybe not always on the day we want it to, but 99,999% of the time, it will end up getting there ime..
Did you order from attitude before?

I actually ordered from attitude after placing the edit and I got the order from Attitude in under 2 weeks. My thing is that, having never ordered anything by international mail, the only real way to have an idea was to read their own statements about shipping, and the huge difference in times reported on here. Anyway, thanks for any positive feedback.