Rolando Luna
This is a discussion of why do people gravitate towards making predominantly sweet edibles when it's been proven High of thc greatly reduces when combined with sugars (4-5 hours) , however when infused with fat/protein the high duration lasts longer (7-12 hours!) Now for a little background on why I bring up this discussion is because I am a chef who has worked in some of the best restaurants in my area and looking at marijuana infusions not as just a medium for cookies or brownies, but as a potential base for high quality marijuana infused meals. Especially in places where it is legalized for medical and recreational use this is a blossoming market with so much potential for growth. There are cooking techniques that could help package and make marijuana meals shelf stable which can open up a whole new market with exponential growth! If you're u can see the curve and are ahead of it like me we should discuss this further