Edges Going Dead



I think this picture says it all. It it heat related?? The weather is screwy right now with cool nights but maybe not as cold as with my A/C on and I think that it is causing problems. I'm probably week 6-7 through flowering and don't want to get too much damage before it's harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Classic nute burn, tips and margins burnt,drop the nutes back. Flush then no nutes for 2 weeks


Thanks guys, I'll start flushing. I might dilute in half for a week then flush. I have 3 ladies going in a shared DWC and 1 is a week or so behind and I don't want to short change it by flushing early.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I'll start flushing. I might dilute in half for a week then flush. I have 3 ladies going in a shared DWC and 1 is a week or so behind and I don't want to short change it by flushing early.
I wouldn't dilute anything. Such minor burn really will have no effect on anything.


Well-Known Member
I bought x100 and really don't think it's quite enough if you want to take a good look. I'd buy a microscope instead - it's pretty cheap and a lot of fun ;O)
Otherwise just take a good look at the plant. You'll see glittering from clear trichomes if it's not ready yet. Will faint away as it ripens.


Well-Known Member
I like 30X microscope it gives a bigger picture of the situation.
The 60X-100X is okay too if you wanna dissects a leaf:lol: