

Well-Known Member

Just picked up 4 rolls for 20$. There's 3 of us so were gonna crush them up and do the "inverted-parachute". I talked to my dealer and he said they were actually caffeine based, and since i caught him in the lie, i got a free eighth out of the deal. And its some dank OG kush. Taking it at about 5:30/6, and gonna be rollin' rollin' rollin' into the A.M. I'll give y'all an update tomorrow, if i remember to. Wish me luck! haha

This rave is gonna be of the chain!



Well-Known Member
ha im ravein tonight to =]. Nor Cal?

But yeah i mixed 2 pills and about an 8th or white rhino and boy its fuckin great. Prolly the Best ive felt in my life.

Have fun tonight. be safe.


Well-Known Member

Just picked up 4 rolls for 20$. There's 3 of us so were gonna crush them up and do the "inverted-parachute". I talked to my dealer and he said they were actually caffeine based, and since i caught him in the lie, i got a free eighth out of the deal. And its some dank OG kush. Taking it at about 5:30/6, and gonna be rollin' rollin' rollin' into the A.M. I'll give y'all an update tomorrow, if i remember to. Wish me luck! haha

This rave is gonna be of the chain!

so basically its gonna feel like you downed 5 cups of coffee lol...what kind are they?


Well-Known Member
drinking and rolling? I've always found when I rolled I just didn't feel like drinking anything but water or gatoraid. I just wasn't in the mood for alcohol when I was rolling.

Always good to have something snuggly to curl up with when you come down. I always had my favorite blanket with me. It sounds silly, but all you want to do is curl up with something soft when you're coming down.

and make sure you don't have any big obligations the next day. You're going to be useless for a day or so afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Those rolls obviously cant be too good if there 4 for $20.No wonder he threw in a free eigth
First of all, he gave me the free 1/8 since i caught him in the lie. He said they were coke based but they weren't. My dealer is cool. I trust him about this kinda stuff. And they were called something Lady. I can't remember really...

And that was one HELLUVA night last night! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Some kid came up to me saying he had "pure molly" rolls once. I was like "Nothing else at all?", and he said something along the lines of no it ws just pressed molly. I fucking laughed my ass of and walked away from the scumbag/retard.


Well-Known Member
here in ireland we get 100 pills for 250 euro. only if you know people though. also you can get 1000 pills for 1000 euro.
I have used x many times you got lookalikes and you have speed based and mdma based and you have heroin based ,you wand rolling balls take the H based and you will want to hump any girl you want to dance take the speed based and the mdma well is a combo of all feelings,,but the truth about it all dont take any of them you never know what you got in the pills especially if they are 5 dollars a pill sounds like a rat pill to me take good advice just fall in love with weed and she will never do you wrong always lay you down easy,,smoke tuff and hang ten bro............