white e,s are safest colour e,s usually somthing other than mdma is in them coloured 1s trankrlizers rat poision ect. the effect,s from colour e,s are normaly as good but ya can have a shitty buzz of them somtimes like ya are smacked out and doppy and trippying over ur feet and stuff trying to eat your ear all that crap lol
I remember some 1 saying that he knew every thig about e,s on here coz he sold a few 100 bags and they add the colour with that food colouring for fun ......... Thats wrong mann coloured e,s are mixed with other shit speed ,katimine ,benzo,s ,horse trankrlizers , rat poision blue e,s stay well away from them they leave people in acoma 15 years ago i got 2 batches of blue e , (blue bomers . and GBH) evry 1 that took them was in a very bad way my m8s sis was in acoma bad shit mannn
I had 2 batches of yellow e,s (cali sun raises and yellow devils )as they were probily 1 of the best buzz,s i got from e but the yellow e,s were katimine but some of my m8 stil talk about them 15 years on lol
go for pure white e,s they are the best and clearest buzz even them white speckled e,s they are amazing but the speckle is the dodgy mix
when your taking it try it in 1/2,s take a 1/2 and if u feel safe and like it

crack the other half drink plenty of water and the happier ya are b4 u take the e the better the buzz will be
Keep it safe peace ......