EcoPlus Commercial pumps: Any experience?

I just purchased a EcoPlus Commercial Air 5 pump. I found a "perfectly working open box" on Ebay for $34.99! I was looking at a commercial 1 but the open box commercial 5 was cheaper. It will be replacing my 5 crappy wal-mart pumps that are pushing around 15 liters per minute total. I have 2 five gallon DWC buckets and a 18 gallon DWC rubbermaid. My question is do you guys think I'll be able to disperse the 88 liters/min from the commercial air 5 to my current setup and it not be too much movement in the water? I know the pump is overkill for my setup but I plan on expanding my setup as I get better. So, does anyone have experience with the Ecoplus Commercial air pumps like the Air 5? Do you think I will be able to manage the power in my setup? Thanks for any input!


These pumps are really good, and this is not too big IMHO for even a single five gallon clonner bucket setup. I used a cheaper version of this in a 50 watt unit. Your Air 5 is 80 watts. I would have actually loved to have doubled the air in my cloner bucket for sure. Lots of air movement is a great thing, esp if temps begin to rise a little. Keep in mind that O2 sat levels drop dramatically when nutrient temps go over 75 degrees F. If you really want to do your plants a favor then also look into a water chiller too. Keeping your nutrients at 65 to 68 degrees will improve O2 sat many fold.

The only reason I gave up my chinese made copy of the EcoPlus Air pump was that it made my nutrients smell like the machine oil they used to lube, and build, the air pump with. I figured the smell would go away if I ran it for a few days. I ran it for a few days and my nice white 6 inch long roots on my clones all started to turn brown. After another week I had root rot. I figured it was from the oil they made the pump with, but I also had fungus nats in the garden that I was treating for and I think some of the adult nats had laid eggs in my new clone roots... In anycase, I just cut my losses on the chinese knockoff pump and sold it cheap to get rid of it. I would be interested in knowing if the EcoPlus Air 5 has any oil lubrication smell when you run it. I am now running a smaller pump and water chiller. I figured that was better for me in the meantime, but at some point I want to readdress jumping into another higher output air pump. Let me know how the EcoPlus treats you. I am really wondering about that oil smell as the two pumps look almost identical from a manufacturing standpoint.