economics of mary in colorado

Back to economics here, my buddy came from Denver and visited. He mentioned that its so saturated down there, that prices were $160 a zip for nice outdoor. Roto trimmed though.
I was like damn!
he gave me some. Pretty good! G13.
well down here in AZ, we are starting to see our first few dispensaries open up. Expensive is an understatement.

here is the first one in Tucson. most of the meds are only about 11-12% THC. They are focusing on high CDB content at the moment

Caregivers are a little bit less expensive and they will deliver to your house. Their meds are much more dank and they charge around 80 a quarter and 150 a half. I've been up to Denver 3 times in the past month for job interviews, hopefully one comes through and I can finally call myself a resident. First thing Im going to do is transfer my MMJ card over to Colorado.
Back to economics here, my buddy came from Denver and visited. He mentioned that its so saturated down there, that prices were $160 a zip for nice outdoor. Roto trimmed though.
I was like damn!
he gave me some. Pretty good! G13.

the cheapest ive heard is 1800 a pound right now down in denver, thats wholesale of course dispensary to dispensary average is somewhere between 2200 and 2400 for the same wholesale market. my guess is we are spending around 250 a pound just to produce(no labor costs)

i think we are pretty tight with our money here, and after everyone gets there cut in the end i think the price will level off a little above 5 times that, with a traditional consumption retail model.

i would say that the wholesale price of a pound after another year will stop at around 1500, in other words the 100$ ounce is coming back folks, deal with it. find a cheaper way to grow do you or your wife make those powder drinks...they sell them in dispensaries out friends brother has a medible biz that made em n they were real potent..his name it's Matt schnur ..activist/grower out there...any help much appreciated thanx.

the only way to powder an oil(hash oil)(and 99.999% of all great edible companies out here cook with pure honey oil) is by adding tapioca malodexterin as far as i know, the rest of the flavoring ingredients will depend on if you can get that flavor thru essential oil or you actually need a dehydrated ground version. not all fruits and veggies exude their flavors through oil... and thus cant be extracted through traditional solvent methods.

when we make edibles out here we take our pure honey oil to a chemist who tests the thc and cbd potency. we then adjust the scale in our recipe. this is the trade secret, if you dont start with oil and you dont test it you are light years behind. if our oil is 50% thc then for 10, 100mg edibles, we need 2 grams of oil. if your oil is 90 to 100% thc purity, we can get 10, 100mg edibles out of 1 gram of oil. this honey oil emulsifies well with any other baking oil out there you can combine it with any other fat in any other recipe, by tempering. honey oil has been heated to full decarboxylation so it is fully "activated", this is a must for ANY recipe that is meant to be eaten raw. cooked honey oil gets you the same buzz as everything else. when adding honey oil to a baked recipe make sure you dont burn it or get it over 250 degrees otherwise you kill the thc.

i havent, but if i were to make a powdered drink thingy, i would dehydrate 10 grams(anything less aint worth it, it will stick to everything and you will lose a gram of oil before you know it) of oil with 8 grams of tapioca malodexterin in a robotcoupe til light and fluffy then season it with sugar and salt and whatever dry flavoring you want. taste it but be careful, its active.

thee chef ooouutt
I have been emailing one of the dispensaries about whether or not I should pursue a colorado medical card once I move up there as opposed to just buying from someone else

this was the response

That's your choice at the current moment. With legalization, you can grow/have marijuana without a card. Finding
meds is a bit tricky right now as you're not legally allowed to sell any but can "gift" someone up to an oz. There are
also not going to be any recreational shops open until 2014 assuming the laws get written up in time for licensing of
the sales/grow facilities.

Finding meds on the street really isn't all that hard at the current point in time if you're any bit sociable. But for ease
of access for the time being, might be easier if you can get your card until the recreational thing really takes hold.


so 2014ish for everyone else.
What kind of a dumb child argues that the law of supply and demand do not apply in Denver?
What kind of an idiot does not recognize that the prices have gone down and that is due go the supply being greater than the demand?
What kind of a dumb child argues that the law of supply and demand do not apply in Denver?
What kind of an idiot does not recognize that the prices have gone down and that is due go the supply being greater than the demand?

you are a really awesome guy and grower. your posts are so informative and intelligent
thats right folks this is not a supply and demand issue. we havent even gotten close.
it costs roughly 250$ a pound to make weed(INDOORS) so name one other thing that fetches between 15 times what it costs to make on the market?
only illegal shit.
when the price of weed comes down to around 1500 a pound then supply has met demand in america. if you cant figure out how to make real money selling weed for 100 an ounce go home
the only reason weed costs 4000 a pound most places is because it is illegal, so until the legal supply can keep up with the demand the black market still controls the market share and thus the price.
ntm this colorado mmj economy is directly tied to the global economy, as much as i hate it there a thousands of people that buy 2 ounces everyday from dispensaries then goand resell it locally and around the world.

have you ever left this country? ever notice how america doesnt give a damn about what you leave with, but its what you come back with they are so concerned with?
they know ALL OF thIS, they know that the colorado/cali/wash/ triangle has become the epicenter for weed production in the entire world,and they can tax the shit out of all of it, especially the legal sales from dispensaries. if the money is made and stays on the blackmarket, the criminals who sell it love material goods(local economy stim)and they have to pay sales tax on all of it.
how brilliant is colorado, we technicaly expanded our sales tax revenue to over seas lmfao go buffs
thats right folks this is not a supply and demand issue.

If you are talking about the price of marijuana in Colorado, you can not avoid the law of supply and demand.

No matter how much you babble incoherently you can not deny the law of supply and demand.

If there was not enough marijuana to support all the dispensaries, the prices would go up.
The prices have dropped by more than half since dispensaries opened up.

Therefore, you can logically conclude that the supply is meeting the demand.

No matter how much yopu pratttle on, you can not deny these facts.

I don't mind carpet baggers so much, but dumb carpet baggers with big mouths are the worst.
If there was not enough marijuana to support all the dispensaries, the prices would go up.
The prices have dropped by more than half since dispensaries opened up.

Therefore, you can logically conclude that the supply is meeting the demand.

No matter how much yopu pratttle on, you can not deny these facts.

I don't mind carpet baggers so much, but dumb carpet baggers with big mouths are the worst.

hmm...this is a somewhat facile response to hydroton's arg.; a more sophisticated approach does, indeed, accept both of your points of view: supply and demand are invariably effecting price in colorado; however, the quagmire of laws surrounding cannabis nationally, regionally, and locally, cannot be said to have zero effect on the price. So, you're both sort of right, and your both sort of is lived in the gray though.
be easy,
Surprised nobody mentioned that you can only legally have 6 plants - 3 in flower 3 in veg at any time per person.

I'm sure this is different for those who have patients and what not. But if you just want to up and move to CO, its 6.

I'm also not sure if you could have 6 more for your girl - and 6 more for you roommate - etc.