

Well-Known Member
hey just wondering about ec/ppm i head friends talking about it sayin its needed in a grow? can someone help me out on this or tell me how it works and why?


Well-Known Member
With hydroponic growing systems, EC/TDS is used as a measurement of nutrient strength in solution. EC is electrical conductivity. The more "stuff" in the water, like nutrients, the greater the electrical conductivity of the water. TDS is total dissolved solids, which is based upon the EC reading and is really just a best guess at what the parts per million (ppm) of the stuff in the water might be (a conversion from EC to ppms).

You don't strictly need an EC/TDS meter to do hydroponics but if you want to tailor a feeding regimine and have much idea of what's going on with your plants and nutrients - you will want one along with a pH meter.


I've got both meters, ppm and ph. I added all the nutes from General Hydroponics Flora Grow system.
I keep adding ph down till it gets to 5.5 - 6.0, I've got that part down.
Then I keep adding water till the ppm gets to 900.
My AF plants are in week 9, full on budding.
Is 900 ppm too much?
What should it be?
So far they are doing great, just wondering if it could do better.View attachment 3009511WP_20140227_017.jpg


Well-Known Member
I've got both meters, ppm and ph. I added all the nutes from General Hydroponics Flora Grow system.
I keep adding ph down till it gets to 5.5 - 6.0, I've got that part down.
Then I keep adding water till the ppm gets to 900.
My AF plants are in week 9, full on budding.
Is 900 ppm too much?
What should it be?
So far they are doing great, just wondering if it could do better.View attachment 3009511View attachment 3009512
Looks like you are doing pretty good. The EC/ppm that you'll want varies on things such as plant size/age, nutrient line, strain, lighting intensity, temperatures, type of hydroponics system, etc., so there's really no catch-all "this is a good ppm" for every plant in every situation. But by measuring the EC/ppm, you will have a precise metric to go by for tailoring your own future grows with your specific setup so you can dial things in for improvements. Measuring the EC/ppm will also let you know how much the plants are drinking vs. uptaking nutrients at any given point.

So yeah, you still pretty much have to start with a baseline (like the feeding schedule your nutrient line recommends), get your EC/ppm readings periodically, watch the plants (which are looking pretty good btw), and go up or down with nutrient strength next res change, record results, and then the next grow you'll have enough info to run your own tailored feeding schedule and should get improved results.


Well-Known Member
hello I am at like 2000 ppm and higher cause my meter only goes up to 2000. I just read this thread I have a question...if I put in my nutes and ph down, won't everything change if you add water to thin solution to bring ppm down? My plants are growing like they are in containers 4 time the size they are really in. This is my first time growing with terraponics and it is going well so far. I have 15 skywalker and 5 lsd and 4 mr.nice 3 whitewidows 12/12 from seed and 1 blue magoo. thx


Well-Known Member
Yes putting in water is obviously going to lower your tds raise your ph. I'd like to se some ppictures of yours since I feel sure I've never grown a plant that could take 2000 tds. Over even. Good luck and happy growing


Well-Known Member
hello I am at like 2000 ppm and higher cause my meter only goes up to 2000. I just read this thread I have a question...if I put in my nutes and ph down, won't everything change if you add water to thin solution to bring ppm down? My plants are growing like they are in containers 4 time the size they are really in. This is my first time growing with terraponics and it is going well so far. I have 15 skywalker and 5 lsd and 4 mr.nice 3 whitewidows 12/12 from seed and 1 blue magoo. thx
I am wrong and I guess my eyes need to be PPM is at around 700 - 800 between tables...sorry for that.