EC and PPM


Active Member
So, like any newbie, I read too much :)

I read about EC and PPM. I have a meter that reads both, and it says my PPM is too low, and the number it gives for EC is like 1200 and the charts all have numbers like 1.2-2. WTF that's all about, I have no idea.

So I nuted these guys full nutes (for the first time, been giving 1/4 then 1/2). Testing the runoff gives me 570 PPM and EC 1200.
The charts say my PPM is too low. I'm not about to add more nutes. I do add calmag. Maybe I need more.
I ran out of pH strips but I know my pH is good, I used distilled water.

I attached a picture of a bud on one of them, IT IS SLEEPING DOES THAT EVERY DAY. I attached one with them awoke from a couple days ago.
I don't see any signs of nute burn or deficiency (a little light burn on a couple leaves) on the bud shot.
They all look like this.

So I'm thinking, let the plant tell me instead of the charts.

What's everyone's thought?


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sorry, BioBiz light mix with 1/4 perlite. Those are the numbers for the runoff when I nuted today.
sorry, can't help you on the dirt stuff.

but use EC from now on. it's much easier. so your 1200EC runoff is really 1.2EC. your meter uses a 0.5 conversion factor to get ppm so 1000EC (1EC) is 500ppm

good luck!
My tap water has the following attributes (using the Hanna scale):
EC - 0.144
PPM - 0.072
pH - around 8 (using drops and scale).

I know the pH will need to drop (and I believe my nutes will do this significantly) but are the EC/PPM too high?
My tap water has the following attributes (using the Hanna scale):
EC - 0.144
PPM - 0.072
pH - around 8 (using drops and scale).

I know the pH will need to drop (and I believe my nutes will do this significantly) but are the EC/PPM too high?

I use distilled water, 82 cents a gallon at walmart. Perfect pH.
I have 2x22 gallon reservoirs so I'd need at least 15 gallons per reservoir!

Apparently my nutes (maxibloom) will reduce the pH significantly - I'll run some tests when it arrives. I'm more concerned about my water temps tbh. Really don't want to get a chiller so will have to use frozen bottles.
I wouldn't rely on the meter. It's only a tool to help you steer your plants. I'd run low maybe up to 1.2 and then adjust accordingly. Over the years I don't really mess with ec and ph much these days. If you are runnign hydro and changing your res out once a week there won't be much variation (esp if you are running drain to waste) In soil grows I'll use it to check run-off ec.

I find using RO brings my PH down to acceptable levels and if using salt ferts the ph will usually settle in at about 6ish. I like to use RO water and then add calmag to bring it up to about 150ppm

I've run the maxibloom at about half strength and had great results. Findout how many grams of maxibloom to 1 gallon of water will get your to about 500-600ppm and go from there.