Ebb n Flo, EuroGrower, BubblePonics, Water Farm... How do you decide


How do you decide?

I want something very easy to run.

I want to run 3 rooms.

I want to easily be able to move my plants without too much mess to the next room when its time for their next stage of growth.

All look great.

Forget cost, that is not the biggest factor.

Ebb N Flo seems easiest to expand onto

BubblePonics looks nice easy but looks like it may not allow enough space to run as many plants or might cause plants to struggle for light at the bottom.

Water Farm seems similar to Ebb N Flo

EuroGrower looks nice, simple and allows a good amount of space for each plant.

I guess I do not understand what is the big differences between the Ebb N Flo, EuroGrower and WaterFarm.

Which is going to be the most idiot proof, easy to expand and best for the plants.

I have a very good amount of space and when all is said and done I plan on having a total of about 60 plants running on a continuous cycle


Dont forget Hempy Buckets.
hahahaha thanks add to my confusion!

Seriously though I am looking for something built hempy buckets you build from parts you buy at Home Depot correct?

Yes I know most of the above systems are built with parts you can buy as well but as I said I want turn key on the equipment part...


New Member
When you say ebb-flow do you mean ebb-grow ? if you are doing 60 plants turn key, Ebb and gro. They list for $570 but ebay has them
You would need 2 of these units and than can buy expansion buckets 6ea for 70$

Sentinel MEF-1 http://www.edenhydroponic.com/conten...bb-flow-system

Euro is too confining
Waterfarm is ok, but requires a vast amount of air hoses and drain.

Ebb-gro seems the logical choice unless you want to run a PVC drain system, dutch buckets and drip feed, but that requires more time. Ebb-gro out of the box and go.


New Member
If you go to a competitive hydro store you could pick up the ebb-gro for $445 especially if you buy 2 which you would need

Contact Smokingrubber, he has 2 for sale brand new in the box.


Yes, I am sorry....


Sort of leaning that way but also like the Euro Grower.

The Ebb-Gro does seem more reasonable to grow (cost wise)

But whats going to be easier to run and most reliable is really what is most important
to me.


Well-Known Member
My 1st flower and mother setup were Recirculated DWC and my 2nd setup was flood and drain tables. I have to say i should have continue with DWC, roots grow way faster in DWC or AeroPonic. compared to my ebb tables with hydroton.

If you can build a little dwc setup you won't be dissapointed.


My 1st flower and mother setup were Recirculated DWC and my 2nd setup was flood and drain tables. I have to say i should have continue with DWC, roots grow way faster in DWC or AeroPonic. compared to my ebb tables with hydroton.

If you can build a little dwc setup you won't be dissapointed.
What's DWC?


Well-Known Member
Deep water culture. It is the easiest to use next to the hempy buckets. It consists of a blacked out tub, air stone, air pump, and net cups. The water level will be about an inch from the bottom of the net cups to allow the popping bubbles to aerate the rockwool and clay balls. For DWC i recommend using numerous buckets instead of one big tub. I'm on my 4th grow in a year with DWC and everytime it just gets easier and easier. I spend about 15 minutes a day with my plants just to check the ph and ppm. Change the water once a week or once every 2 weeks (your decision) i dont recommend going longer than 2 weeks. The one thing i dont like about deep water culture is that when using anymore than 3.5 gallon buckets the amount of water used is insane. During the last few weeks of flower the girls can suck up a gallon a day of nutes. So that means lots and lots of water.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
ebb and flow for ease and growth. i have heard probs up the ass wth ebb and grow/ chillers and rot. waterfarm is too small and has probs and all probs are pointless to deal with with the ease of ebb and flow trays and resergoirs being so easy to manage. i use rockwool and wont use anythib else.


Is there any turnkey DWC method?

I just really have enough work between my real job, setting up the rest of this room
my family etc etc that if I can start with an existing out of the box platform it really
would be ideal....

Just not super handy with building that type of a thing but I do have a green thumb, that
I learned when I was back in school years ago just going the soil method but times have

tea tree

Well-Known Member
there may be some complications with ebb and grow. i wanted one bad and talked to a lot of people and it is always a science project.

ebb and flow is also turnkey. altho i recomend craigs list, and it is the easy tank of growing. Use rock wool and you only got to flood a few fays in veg and it is beautiful.
use h202 and gh. :) ftw
ebb and flow for ease and growth. i have heard probs up the ass wth ebb and grow/ chillers and rot. waterfarm is too small and has probs and all probs are pointless to deal with with the ease of ebb and flow trays and resergoirs being so easy to manage. i use rockwool and wont use anythib else.
i dont know if anyone already said this, but in my honest opinion, bubbleponics are the easiest to use. i've been using DWC bubble bucket since two weeks into dec, and have only had to adjust ph one single time. even if light gets into reservoir, a little 3% hydrogen peroxide will clear it right up, and you only have to refill res with reg tapwater everyday, and refill with water and nutes every 2 weeks. i've gotten amazing results, and its been alot less trouble then ebb n flow and drip systems. hope this helps


Picking up my first Euro Grower tomorrow.

I plan on running it in a 4X8 tent and bending to have big fat babbies! 2 1000 watt vented lights.

I will run 3 of these tents spaced about 1 mth apart.

This will keep me well under my limit and help me get the most out of my plant in my space (16 ft by 18 ft) while giving me regular harvests.

I will most likely just run 1 strain per tent as well to give them the optimal cycle of light and food for their strain.

I appreciate all the help and info that I have gotten here!

When things are up and running (still a couple weeks out due to some finishing electrical work needing to be done in the room first) I will surely keep everyone updated!

I hope to be able to give my patients the best medicine possible for their needs.