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Well-Known Member
Right! That's what I use, the. BC line, I like it, haven't compared it to anything, but I like it, I had my ppm over 2200 once and it barley burned the tips.


Well-Known Member
shit man i was at the hydro store just checking out the new AN (jungle juice) and was so tempted to buy it then i noticed the big bud sitting next to it then my eyes strolled to the price tag and i about shit myself at 260 bucks a gal lol, is the yield really that substantial? i really want to try some of there stuff out but i just dont know.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member
I noticed you mark your plants with colored zip ties. Me too! I zip the stalks of the mothers with large colored ties, and stab the small colored ties into the rockwool like you do. So cool that 2 peoplke came up with that on their own.

I tried AN years ago, but stopped because I just don't care for the whole company style. It seems like they spend so much on marketing. I can't help but wonder if there's any $$$ left in the kitty to make good nutes. However, when you say you've seen better yield (and you're one of the few people I'd truly trust), I can't help but be curious. I currently use Cutting Edge. It's ver similar to GH, but a little more PH stable. It needs no adjustment...just lands at 6.2 when mixed to 1000ppm with RO water. But, I think it may be time to at least take the AN for a ride. Was the yield increase enough to be worth a change? You know me and my grow pretty good. Should I try it on a tray? Should I try that new 2 part they have, or the original? Your advise means the world to me. I can't believe I'm even considering this.


Well-Known Member
i may have to give it a go one of these days soon, i will just pick up enough to run a single cycle and see how it goes. i just want to make sure i have everything dialed in since i am still a bit new to this system. i had some issues with my nute schedule as i use tap water so i had to sit down today and re think it all and think i have a good schedule now, i switched to hard water micro but it has only help with the ph a tad bit. anyway thanks for the advice buddy.

collective gardener

Well-Known Member

On the odor front...Negative pressure inside the grow is a MUST. Regardless of what you're doing for odor control, positive or equal pressure will result in odor leaks...every fucking time. I use no intake fans whatsoever. We have a sealed room inside of a warehouse. The warehouse has 2 - 14" exhaust fans cut into the roof. This provide the air removal in the warehouse proper. The air enters the warehouse via a large screen opening over the storefront door. The grow room exhausts into the main warehouse via 4 - 10" inline fans coupled to 10" carbon filters. The theory here that can apply to all grow ops is that YOU control where the air leaves...it only leaves in those spots...and those spots are carbon filtered. Because the entire warehouse is under negative pressure provided by the roof fans, the little seams around the building have air being drawn IN through them. Even if there was a pile of cured buds just inside the seams, you couldn't smell it from outside.

Years ago...before widely available carbon filtration...we used negative ion generators. I put a huge one in my bloom room. It worked killer. In fact, it worked too good. That mother fucker removed ALL the smell from an entire crop! That's when I started with the negative pressure. I put the ion gen in the attic. I installed 2 - 18" gable attic fans, and cut a bunch of holes in the ceiling of the grow. The attic fans created massive negative pressure in the attic. This drew air from the grow op through the holes in the ceiling. Intake air was provided via 2 - 16" screened openings I cut into the floor of the grow op. The cool air was drawn in from under the house. The bud stinking air was deodorized in the attic with the negative ion generator. Odor free air was blown out through the gable attic fans.

My long winded point is, you can use negative pressure in any grow op settup. For me odor control falls in the category of security which trumps all else. The only fail safe method for me has always been using significant negative pressure to 100% insure no odor leaks. I never use any type of intake fan, because if the exhaust fans ever failed, the intake fan would pump up the op with positive pressure and odor would be pouring out of every crack and crevice. Based on the strains you're growing, I'm sure it wouldn't take much to blow out the whole block with weed smell.
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