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Well-Known Member
man thats great to hear glad it helped, with the temps being in check im sure your yield will increase. 3 a plant is great man thats what im thinking on this one how long did you veg that tent for??


Well-Known Member
the tomato cages are a great idea im thinking i will be doing that next time as well, the stakes i use work pretty good its just a pain in the ass the tie up every single branch lol.


New Member
well i running low and just anxious to know
didnt u already take down tent one thats one i was talking about


Well-Known Member
Ha! sorry to say high and run, but daughter just called and time to pick her up from work. Ah, my job is never done!


Active Member
Good shit HR, yeah they look like they were stressing pretty hard, but are certainly coming back with regular growth - nice. I'll take a bongload for that bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looks awesome HR! I don't see any yellow. I know it's hella hard having someone else touch your girls. Nobody else is going to do it right. lol


Active Member
Oh and on the topic of stuff that can get resin off your fingers - regular olive oil works great. Just rub your fingers and hands together really well with it on and all the resin clumps up and doesn't stick.
Olive oil is also super good for your skin, unlike alcohol.
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