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Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Okay, sorry about the question so far back in the thread but harvesting this much do you hand trim all of that or did you buy a trimming machine??


Well-Known Member
Hell yea Hellraizer! That shiz looks bangin! Very nice bro, took me a bit to get though it but man u have some sweet ass plants. Not sure if u solved ur fan noise issues but I always use a 1/2"-1" rubber mat cut to fit the bracket and maybe a 1/4" to the outside of the bracket to stop vibration. Not sure if thatll help u in a tent but maybe it will. Great work bro, subd for sure


Well-Known Member
wow hellraizer, quite the setup you got goin there..very nice equipment and ladies. Once i get my nv medical card i hope to have half the setup u have..beautiful!!! +rep


Active Member
Sorry for the multiple post. That's Nirvan Bubblicious. It's my first grow. I cut about 1/3 of the bud two weeks ago, and I have 1 more week left on the rest.

Hoping for 6oz., one plant, 600 watt light. Not bad for my first grow if I do say so myself.

Stay safe all!


Well-Known Member
wouldnt the organic nature of that stuff create MORE slime and shit. in my experience the more organic on the spectrum you get from (chemical) for lack of a better term maybe synthesized is better you get MORE slime and gunk in the res.


Well-Known Member
ok I'll stop by here, say....ins't the populating of the rootzone with beneficial bacteria more of a preventative than a cure for shit you already might have?
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