Ebb & Gro Monster Setup. Too Much Light? How Would You Vent?


Active Member
Ok, as of now I have the Ebb Monster 6 site setup. I will be transplanting from Ebb & Flow setup(Veg) into an Ebb and Gro Monster(flower). In the pics below I have the 6 sites setup in half of my flowering tent. Will it be too packed in there to add another 6 5gal buckets into the other half of the tent or should I just spread these 6 out?

I also have a Can Filter 100 that I will more than likely have in this tent. The tent is a GrowLab 120L. If this were your setup would you have your filter IN your tent(restricting space) or outside of the tent(leaving more room for plant growth)

Also, as you can see my tent is pretty tight on room with the 3 1,000W lights I have in there. Should I get rid of one or work around all three? My plan is to keep all 3 in there and have an 8" Max fan on top(outside) of my tent PULLING air through these 3 lights with an 8" max fan on the left side(outside) of my tent PUSHING air through my lights. Please advise if this will be the best setup for me.image_2.jpgimage_1.jpgimage_3.jpg


Active Member
Or should I put a max fan 8" on the bottom to go intake fan(outside tent)---->ducting--->Can Filter 100--->lights--->Ducting--->Out take fan(outside tent)

PS regardless of what setup I go with I will more than likely have an additional 6-8" fan blowing air into the tent directly


Well-Known Member
Man thats an awful lot of light in a small space.
Still, I think one 800 cfm fan pulling air through them would be enough to cool them.


Active Member
Man thats an awful lot of light in a small space.
Still, I think one 800 cfm fan pulling air through them would be enough to cool them.
Do you believe that it's too much as far as heat is concerned or do you believe its too much for the amount of plants being placed in this tent? If I could keep the inside of this tent at a perfect temp with all 3 would you recommend keeping it at 3,000 or would you still bump 1 and downsize to 2,000 Watts?


Well-Known Member
Neither, I think you will be bombarding them with too many lumnes. It can happen and looks like bud rot, called light poison.
Yea, I would downsize to two lights and I would run them front to back in the tent about 3 feet apart not side by side. Its tougher to run ducting but you get a much better spread of light.

Metal n Weed

Active Member
I run pretty much the same size tent with 2000 watts from front to back like cruzer said and that's all you really need for that space. I have a 8" can fan taking care of those light and my 4oo mh in the other tent and temps are good. I also read that it is better to pull with fan than to push but I am guessing everybody does it different.


Active Member
I run pretty much the same size tent with 2000 watts from front to back like cruzer said and that's all you really need for that space. I have a 8" can fan taking care of those light and my 4oo mh in the other tent and temps are good. I also read that it is better to pull with fan than to push but I am guessing everybody does it different.
Thx for the response. I was thinking of 2 fans for colling the lights. Not just 1 to push air but one to push AND one to pull.

Also, is everyone saying this is too many lights based on heat alone or are there other reasons. If I could cool all 3 down to perfect temps are you saying I should still only use 2?


Active Member
Not heat.
and you dont need two fans. just one pulling.
I don't know how I didn't rember you telling me that when I made my last reply. But that's crazy, too much light! Is that because of the space restrictions or just the amount of light per plant? I've seen ppl do 1,000 watt plants but they did have bigger space and I didn't follow these grows close enough to see about any light poison.


Well-Known Member
Yep, I air cooled my light and let them grow right up to them. The glasss tube was cool to the touch so I thought it would be alright. Wrong. the lumnes fried them. Here is a chart that I go by now. 10,000 is how much hits the ground on a sunny day.

You may have seen grows with more lights but I bet they had more space.

Elmur Fudd OG

New Member
I was thinking about purchasing the monster ebb and flo system.
How do you like it?
what were your results like?
And I guess my most important question is, do I need to by a separate system for vegetation, or can I use the monster for both flowering and vegetation?
Does it come with net pots?