ebb&flow tray or bucket?


im planing on buying a ebb&flow bucket system or building a flood tray system, i know building a flood tray system will be cheaper, but i want to know how big can my plants get using trays. im trying to maximize the yield. will be growing 12 plants.


Active Member
I would go with buckets on this one. 5 gallon buckets, this way you have control over what each plant is doing. If you happen to have a male or diseased plant you can just delete that plant from its own bucket without disturbing the grown-together root mass of all the other plants. In order to grow large plants with ebb and flow in a basin or tray you would need a pretty large basin or tray. On the other hand, you could scrog those 12 plants in a tray and that may produce a nice yield. I still think you would need a huge try to make it worth it.


Active Member
now that I think of it. You might be able to get away with a 4x2 tray and 3 rows of 4 plants with ebb and flow. I had a 4x2 tray, the type one uses for ebb and flow and I had 6 large plants in it. I guess, in order to have 12 plants they would have to be roughly half the size of the plants I had to make it work well.