Ebb e flow first grow, flood during the night?


hey guys, this is my first time growing in a ebb e flow setup, using clay pellets as medium, i need some advice if i should add a flood during the nigh cycle
my plants are going in straight into 12/12 from clone, they went in 5 days ago, just noticed that they get droopy before the first flood (20min after lights on, last flood is 40min before lights off, doing 5 floods total), should i add a flood during the night? that did not seem to be happening until now, but they kinda went on growth overdrivre 3 days ago almost doubling in size.
Most cycle timers have a feature so they don't come on at night. I guess a lot of people like it that way. I don't flood at night but as soon as the light comes on the table starts flooding. The root mat stays wet/damp for a very long time. I was under the impression that most people don't flood at night.
I don't grow in pebbles, but personally I would flood more intervals during the day, probably one per hour.
I have always looked at it like it rains at night and plants seem to like it so I would always flood once during dark. I did 4 floods per 24h so every 6 hrs for 5 minutes but I’m sure there is better ways to go about it.
they are looking really good now in the morning by adding a flood half way thru the night, gona keep the 5 feedings during daylight for now, they are growing like crazy, fan leaves are the size of my hand, almost double the mum that's in coco
I have a flood table that I top feed instead of flood. I saw a side by side grow video and the top feed drain to reservoir setup was visibly bigger than the flood. I top feed every 3-hours. I'm using hydroton in air pots.

Here's the link
In coco I feed every 2 hours at peak when I feed just before lights off then again during the night I get about 85/90% running back out so I stopped it and let the place get warmed up before starting the feed cycle.