Ebb and Flow First Timer please help. FOX FARMS Super Lemon Haze


Hi I am new to rollitup but have been reading here for a while. I was wondering if anyone could spare some advice. there 4 Super Lemon Haze 1 Warlock and 1 Motivation


these plants are 12 days since they have been put in the hydro system. first I am wondering if they are to small? I think I had the light to close at first, 400 watt MH with glass and vent. the light about 15 inches away and noticed the plants stopped growing as fast and the leaves curled.

also started without fans and they almost started to flop over under their own weight. added fans and the problem has gotten better but not perfect as you can see by some still flopping over without some support. will this get better?


I am running the FoxFarms liquid trio with a PPM of 880 including the 180 PPM from my water. right now the light is 2 feet away aprox and I think that is good but still, some more experienced thoughts on my set up would be appreciated. I know its not advised to jump straight into hydro so I am all ears.



Well-Known Member
i run the same system with 24 sites... your light can be lower alot lower your going to make them stretch
they are not to small the leaf curl could be from over feeding weather you follow directions or not always listen to your plants when feeding if they dont like it then they dont
yes your plants will begin to support themselves keep the fan on them...my setup 009.JPGnew plants 010.JPG

as you can see from the second pic these are the same plants and my 2 1000 watts are a foot from the canopy
That ppm is way to high for such young plants. My ppm doesnt get up above 800 during flowering and I run aero with Co2. so they can handle alot more food. If you drain your rez out a little and put fresh water in I think your plants will be much happier. I would put your light as close as you can. Put your hand under it and you will be able to judge if it will be to hot for the plants. Other then that everything looks good to me. just my 2 cents

kali love

Active Member
looking good my friend i used fox farm in my first run and got some really good results i recomend grabing some of the cha ching for blooming it is definately worth it if you dont mind me asking how big is your rez and are you using a chiller as well i cant wait to see how this turns out good luck


looking good my friend i used fox farm in my first run and got some really good results i recomend grabing some of the cha ching for blooming it is definately worth it if you dont mind me asking how big is your rez and are you using a chiller as well i cant wait to see how this turns out good luck
its a 50 gallon rez, filled at 30 gallons. currently not using a chiller, the room is a basement thats always cool even on the hottest days. do you know the ideal temp range? wondering if maybe I could benefit from this, I have been thinking of throwing an air pump in the rez; I have even seen where people ran on main air pump to power an air stone in the bottom of each bucket, but I have also heard you can mimic the same effect from throwing some h2o2 in the rez.

kali love

Active Member
its a 50 gallon rez, filled at 30 gallons. currently not using a chiller, the room is a basement thats always cool even on the hottest days. do you know the ideal temp range? wondering if maybe I could benefit from this, I have been thinking of throwing an air pump in the rez; I have even seen where people ran on main air pump to power an air stone in the bottom of each bucket, but I have also heard you can mimic the same effect from throwing some h2o2 in the rez.
i hear you wanna keeptemps in the lower 60s or so to prevent root rot and stuff also i hear that water at those temps is most oxygenated i would probly add som air stones they do help with oxygenating the water and promoting healthy roots idk about h202 the only thing i use it for isto cean my table and rez never ran it in the rez i just got some house and gardens roots excelartor and here it just makes your roots explode a well as keeps them very healthy maybe thats something to look into